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Programming language: Haskell
License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
Tags: Urbit    

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Hackage Version License: MPL 2.0

Interact with Azimuth from Haskell.

Basic Usage

You can get started by pulling in Urbit.Azimuth (probably qualified):

import qualified Urbit.Azimuth as A

Friendly wrappers for the Azimuth and Ecliptic contracts can be found in Urbit.Azimuth.Azimuth and Urbit.Azimuth.Ecliptic. They'll both be pulled in via import Urbit.Azimuth.

If you want to work with the raw hs-web3 functions generated from the contract ABIs, you can import Urbit.Azimuth.Azimuth.Internal or Urbit.Azimuth.Ecliptic.Internal directly.

To use the various functions provided, you'll generally want to:

  • define a web3 endpoint (probably via hs-web3's defaultSettings function, re-exported here),

  • provide a Contracts object (this can be procured via getContracts for mainnet),

  • provide an account, and then,

  • use runAzimuth to call the desired contract function with the necessary information.

By 'provide an account', I mean you'll typically need to pass a private key. But if you're just reading from the chain, you can typically use the endpoint's default account, specified via unit (i.e. ()).

Check out the quickstart section below to see an examples of all the above.


This example uses an Infura endpoint as a provider for web3:

{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import qualified Urbit.Azimuth as A
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob

-- A test endpoint definition.  You'll want to set up your own to do anything
-- interesting.
infura :: String

-- A simple example of setting up an endpoint, fetching the Azimuth contracts,
-- getting a private key from a BIP39 mnemonic and HD path, and fetching the
-- public information for a few ships.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  endpoint  <- A.defaultSettings infura

  -- fetch the mainnet contract addresses
  contracts <- A.runWeb3 endpoint A.getContracts

  let zod = Ob.patp 0
      nec = Ob.patp 1
      bud = Ob.patp 2

  -- fetch ~zod's public info, using endpoint's default account ()
  zodInfo <- A.runWeb3 endpoint $
    A.runAzimuth contracts () $
      A.getPoint zod

  print zodInfo

  -- to use a nontrivial account:

  -- take a test BIP39 mnemonic
  let mnem = "benefit crew supreme gesture quantum "
          <> "web media hazard theory mercy wing kitten"

  -- a standard HD path
  let hdpath  = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" :: A.DerivPath

  -- and the ethereum mainnet chain ID
  let chainId = 1

  -- and then use them to derive a suitable private key
  let account = case A.toPrivateKey mnem mempty hdpath chainId of
        Left _    -> error "bogus creds"
        Right acc -> acc

  -- fetch ~nec's public info, using this private key to auth
  necInfo <- A.runWeb3 endpoint $
    A.runAzimuth contracts account $
      A.getPoint zod

  print necInfo

  -- you can also set the gas price, etc. as follows
  let params = A.defaultTxnParams { A.txnGasPrice = Just 100_000_000_000 }

  -- (see Urbit.Azimuth.Transaction for details on those)

  -- use runAzimuth' (notice the apostrophe) to supply those parameters
  budInfo <- A.runWeb3 endpoint $
    A.runAzimuth' contracts params account $
      A.getPoint bud

  print budInfo


Note that depending on your system and GHC installation, a few transitive dependencies may prove tricky to build. In particular, if you've installed GHC with Nix, you may need to build from within a Nix shell with zlib-dev, libsecp256k1, and pkg-config present.

A suitable Nix shell is provided in shell.nix, so you can get a repl via:

~/src/azimuth-hs$ nix-shell
[nix-shell:~/src/azimuth-hs]$ cabal new-repl

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the azimuth-hs README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.