








63 Algorithms packages and projects

  • primal

    5.5 0.0 Haskell
    Primitive World of Haskell
  • arithmoi

    9.5 4.4 Haskell
    Number theory: primes, arithmetic functions, modular computations, special sequences
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  • toysolver

    9.3 9.0 Haskell
    My sandbox for experimenting with solver algorithms.
  • imj-animation

    7.9 0.0 Haskell
    Monorepo for a multi-player game engine, and game examples
  • longshot

    2.1 0.0 Haskell
    Fast Brute-force search using parallelism
  • ADPfusion

    7.4 5.1 Haskell
    Efficient, high-level dynamic programming
  • MIP

    2.8 7.6 Haskell
    Libraries for reading/writing MIP problem files, invoking external MIP solvers, etc. in Haskell
  • text-metrics

    7.7 4.5 Haskell
    Calculate various string metrics efficiently in Haskell
  • nonlinear-optimization-ad

    4.3 7.3 Haskell
    Several Haskell packages for numerical optimizations.
  • integer-logarithms

    6.0 3.8 Haskell
    Integer logarithms, originally split from arithmoi package
  • iproute

    8.9 5.7 Haskell
    IP Routing Table in Haskell
  • ersatz

    8.9 5.3 Haskell
    A monad for interfacing with external SAT solvers
  • stable-marriage

    3.1 1.1 Haskell
    library around stable marriage algorithms
  • graphs

    8.2 3.8 Haskell
    a monadic graph library
  • edit-distance

    6.3 0.0 Haskell
    Edit distance library for Haskell
  • integer-roots

    3.1 4.0 Haskell
    Integer roots and perfect powers of arbitrary precision
  • lca

    7.4 0.0 Haskell
    Improves the known complexity of online lowest common ancestor search to O(log h) persistently, and without preprocessing
  • aeson-diff

    8.4 0.0 Haskell
    Generate and apply diffs between JSON documents.
  • edit-distance-linear

    3.3 0.0 Haskell
    Levenshtein edit distance in linear memory (also turns out to be faster than C++)
  • presburger

    7.7 0.0 Haskell
    Decision procedures for Presburger arithmetic in Haskell
  • primesieve

    4.9 3.5 Haskell
    A collection of packages related to math, algorithms and science, in Haskell.
  • primes

    8.1 0.0 Haskell
    Prime Numbers for Haskell
  • sgd

    5.7 0.0 Haskell
    Stochastic gradient descent Haskell library
  • spacefill

    3.8 0.0 Python
    Space-filling curves
  • TrieMap

    4.1 0.0 Haskell
    Generalized tries for Haskell
  • twentyseven

    5.4 0.0 Haskell
    Rubik's cube solver in Haskell
  • union-find

    7.9 0.0 Haskell
    DISCONTINUED. Efficient union and equivalence testing of sets.
  • union-find-array

    4.7 3.2 Haskell
    ST based union find data structure
  • pell

    2.8 0.0 Haskell
    Haskell Package to solve the Generalized Pell Equation
  • ADPfusionSet

    2.1 0.0 Haskell
    dynamic programming for set data structures
  • search-algorithms

    8.0 3.2 Haskell
    Haskell library containing common graph search algorithms
  • effective-aspects-mzv

    1.0 0.0 Haskell
    A monadic library for aspect-oriented programming in Haskell
  • exact-cover

    1.1 0.0 C
    Efficient exact cover solver.
  • kmp-dfa

    1.6 0.0 Haskell
    KMP algorithm implementation based on Deterministic Finite State Automata
  • pathfinding

    3.7 0.0 Haskell
    DISCONTINUED. Haskell pathfinding library
  • bordacount

    1.9 0.0 Haskell
    Haskell implementation of the Borda count election method
  • primes-type

    2.1 0.0 Haskell
    Type-safe prime numbers.
  • jps

    4.1 0.0 Haskell
    :point_right: jump point search for Haskell
  • build

    9.6 3.1 TeX
    Build Systems à la Carte
  • qchas

    6.1 0.0 Haskell
    DISCONTINUED. A library for implementing Quantum Algorithms
  • treeviz

    6.3 0.0 Haskell
    Haskell library for visualizing algorithmic decomposition of computations.
  • Adaptive

    6.7 0.0 Haskell
    Library for incremental computing.
  • adp-multi

    4.3 0.0 Haskell
    Prototype of ADP for MCFL (multiple context-free languages)
  • binary-search

    5.7 0.0 Haskell
    Binary and exponential searches
  • cmaes

    5.4 0.0 L1 Python
    CMA-ES wrapper in Haskell
  • dgim

    3.1 0.0 Haskell
    :chart_with_upwards_trend: Implementation of the DGIM algorithm in Haskell.
  • DP

    4.9 0.0 Haskell
    Holder for a bunch of semirings used in ChartParsing
  • dtw

    6.7 0.0 Haskell
    Implementation of Dynamic Time Warping in Haskell
  • edit-distance-vector

    3.8 0.0 Haskell
    Calculate edit scripts and distances between Vectors.
  • epanet-haskell

    2.4 0.0 L2 C
    Call the EPANET toolkit via Haskell's Foreign Function Interface
  • fibonacci

    3.1 0.0 Haskell
    Fast computation of Fibonacci numbers in Haskell
  • funsat

    8.2 0.0 Groff
    An efficient, embeddable DPLL SAT solver in Haskell
  • graph-generators

    4.5 0.0 Haskell
    A Haskell library for creating random Data.Graph instances using several pop
  • GraphSCC

    5.1 0.0 Haskell
    Tarjan's algorithm for computing strongly connected components
  • HMM

    7.9 0.0 Haskell
    hidden markov models in haskell
  • incremental-sat-solver

    6.3 0.0 Haskell
    Simple, Incremental SAT Solving as a Haskell Library
  • infinite-search

    4.5 0.0 Haskell
    An implementation of Martin Escardo's exhaustively searchable sets in Haskell.
  • KMP

    3.8 0.0 Haskell
    Knuth–Morris–Pratt string searching algorithm
  • learning-hmm

    2.3 0.0 Haskell
    DISCONTINUED. Yet another Haskell library for hidden Markov models
  • ListTree

    6.2 0.0 Haskell
    A List monad transformer and related tools
  • Ritt-Wu

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Parallel implementation of Ritt-Wu's algorithm.
  • primal-memory

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Unified interface for memory managemenet.
  • majority

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Boyer-Moore Majority Vote Algorithm

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