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Egison Quote: quasi quotes for Egison expression

Egison is a purely functional programming language featured the strong pattern match faculty. By Egison, we can represent pattern matching for data structure without normal form(set, multiset, etc.).

We can use Egison-like expression in Haskell code by this module. (prerequisite: The egison package)

How to use?

We can use Egison-quote as follows

expr = [egison| Egison expression :: Type Signature |]

Type signature <Typ> is defined by following BNF.

<Typ> = Bool | Int | Double | Float | Double | Char | String | [<Typ>] | (<Typ>, <Typ>, ..., <Typ>) | <Typ> -> <Typ> -> ... <Typ>
  • Egison collection has type [a]. Thus, we can't use hetero-type collection such as {1, 'a'}
  • Egison tuple has type (a, b, ..).
  • Egison lambda abstraction has arrow type.Additionally, we have a restriction in type of arguments.(mention later)
  • For example, a -> b -> c and a -> (b -> c) are not equivalent. Such as, (lambda [$x $y] ...) has the former type, (lambda [$x] (lambda[$y] ...)) has the latter type. Of course, you can't confuse these types. (if #{flag} (lambda [$x $y] ...) (lambda [$x] (lambda [$y] ...))) has invarid type.

We can use Egison expression following above type signature.

Constant expression

We can embed static-evaluated Egison expression , i.e. constant expression. such that

combination3_2 = [egison| (match-all {1 2 3} (Multiset Integer) [<cons $x <cons $y _>> [x y]]) :: [(Int, Int)] |]

Note: Static expression is evaluated in run time .

Lambda abstraction

We can use Egison lambda abstraction as Haskell function.

combination :: [Int] -> Int -> [[Int]]
combination = [egison| (lambda [$xs $k]
                         (match-all xs (List Something)
                           [(loop $l $i (between 1 k) <join _ <cons $a_i l>> _)
                            {@(loop $l $i (between 1 k) {a_i @l} {})}])) :: [Int] -> Int -> [[Int]]|]

This function can be used as follows

> combination [1..5] 4

And you can write a function-return function. That is, nested lambda abstruction is allowed as follows.

returnEgisonFunction :: Bool -> (Int -> Int)
returnEgisonFunction = [egison| (lambda [$b] (if b (lambda [$x] (* x 2)) (lambda [$y] (* y 3)))) :: Bool -> (Int -> Int)|]
-- Remark: "Bool -> Int -> Int" is wrong type signature! This quoted expression has the type: "Bool -> (Int -> Int)"

> returnEgisonFunction True 5
> returnEgisonFunction False 5

However, there is the following restriction.

  • we cannot pass a function as argument.(for example, (Int -> Int) -> Int is invarid type signature)

Note: In evaluating Egison-function, we use unsafePerformIO function.


We can put Haskell variables in an Egison expression as follows

infixes :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
infixes l = [egison|(match-all #{l} (List Integer) [<join _ <join $xs _>> xs]) :: [[Int]]|]

Likely above example, you can embed a Haskell variable to an Egison expression by clarifying with #{~}

Note: [Char] type(= String type) values is interpreted as String type value of Egison. So the following quotation is invalid.

infixes' :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
infixes' l = [egison|(match-all #{l} (List Char) [<join _ <join $xs _>> xs]) :: [[Char]]|] -- error!


-- Example1
-- http://hagi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~egi/egison/manual/n-queen.html
nqueen :: Int -> [[Int]]
nqueen = [egison| (lambda [$n]
                    (match-all (between 1 n) (Multiset Integer)
                      [<cons $a_1
                         (loop $l $i (between 2 n)
                           <cons (loop $l1 $i1 (between 1 (- i 1))
                             (& ^,(- a_i1 (- i i1))
                                ^,(+ a_i1 (- i i1))
                      {@(loop $l $i (between 1 n)  {a_i @l} {})}]))
                          :: Int -> [[Int]]  |]

> nqueen 5

-- Example2
isStreight = [egison| (lambda [$hand]
                        (match hand (Multiset Integer)
                          {[<cons $n
                             <cons ,(+ n 1)
                              <cons ,(+ n 2)
                               <cons ,(+ n 3)
                                <cons ,(+ n 4) <nil>>>>>> #t]
                           [_ #f]}))
                        :: [Int] -> Bool |]

> isStreight [1,2,3,5,6]
> isStreight [1,2,3,5,4]