grpc-etcd-client alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Distributed Computing" category.
Alternatively, view grpc-etcd-client alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
A generalization of distributed-process functions to a MonadProcess typeclass and standard transformer instances using monad-control and similar technique. -
A framework for distributing Haskell tasks running on HDFS data using Cloud Haskell. The goal is speedup through distribution on clusters using regular hardware. This framework provides different, simple workarounds to transport new code to other cluster nodes.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
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NOTE: we'll be moving the code in this repository to .
gRPC etcd client
This repository offers a native Haskell client to etcd over gRPC.
The repository is split into two parts:
- the generated gRPC data types and typeclass constraints
- a client library that projects can import and which can also be useful in GHCi
Most users will depend on the client library, which itself depends on the generated data types. A reason to split code this way is to simplify future change where code-generation from protobufs is streamlined in the build tool. Another reason is to create some nomenclature for generated GRPC data types and typeclasses.