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Avg Release Cycle
119 days
Latest Release
1979 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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September 07, 2019 -
v0.0.24 Changes
July 14, 2019- 🛠 Fix fail instances
- 🛠 Fix overflow in IPv4 addresses
- 🛠 Fix generic findIndex
- Start dropping some old compat code
v0.0.23 Changes
February 06, 2019- 🏁 Really fix windows 32 build
v0.0.22 Changes
February 04, 2019- ⚡️ Misc update to basement
- ➕ Add instance for Bits for Word, From Word128 Word256, Integral for Zn
- 🛠 Fix windows 32 bits build
v0.0.21 Changes
July 08, 2018- ✂ Remove couple of warnings
- ➕ Add compatibility with ghc 8.6
- 🛠 Fix subtraction of Word128 and Word256 by using 2-complement representation instead of 1-complement
v0.0.20 Changes
February 23, 2018- ⬇️ Reduce algorithm duplication between native and foreign backend
- 👌 Improve Unicode cases algorithm and increase testing
- ➕ Add CSV Builder
- ➕ Add a BitOps & FiniteBitOps classes to have better types than the Data.Bits.Bits class
- 👌 Improve BlockN operations
- 👌 Improve ListN operations
- 👍 Allow compilation with gauge 0.1
- ➕ Add support for haskell-ci
v0.0.19 Changes
- ➕ Add Block, UArray, String Builder
- 👌 Improve concat for Block andd UArray
- ➕ Add unicode case mapping
- Re-add compatibility with ghc 7.8
v0.0.18 Changes
- ➕ Add missing lowlevel Block functionality
- Cleanup UArray to use more functions from Block
- Push Xoroshiro down to basement
- ➕ Add instances for foundation's numerical classes for C types
- ⚡️ Update benchmarks to gauge 0.2.0
- ➕ Add documentation to some block & uarray functions
v0.0.17 Changes
- ➕ Add Terminal capabilities: ANSI Escape, UTF8 codepage initialization, get dimensions
- Checks: Output now has colors
- Hashable: Add Word128 & Word256 & Boxed Array instances
- Semigroup: Compatibility with GHC 8.4
- ⬇️ Drop criterion for benchmark, now use Gauge
- ✂ Remove more UnboxedTuples from Foundation for easier loading with bytecode interpreter
- ⬇️ Reduce overhead of profiling common primitive operation like size and offset addition by preventing auto-caf in abstraction module
- Optimise UTF8 validation
- Optimise String toList (allow fusion)
- Optimise String reversal
- 🔀 Merge different version of lowlevel array algorithms with one backed by a class.
- Zn64/Zn : Add Num, Additive, Subtractive, NormalForm, Arbitrary instances
v0.0.16 Changes
- Re-organize type sized structure and add UVect and Vect
- Cleanup constraint in ListN, and add couple of combinators
- ➕ Add ExceptT
- ➕ Add some exception combinators (try,finally) that works with foundation classes.
- Tidy mutable algorithm for sorting removing redundant code
- ➕ Add primitive to convert Double/Float to Word64/Word32
- Cleanup withPtr / getAddr code to be safer