functor-combinators v0.3.4.0 Release Notes

  • August 14, 2020


    • Data.HFunctor.Route: A new twist on getting invariant functor combinators. Instead of creating new ones, utilize existing functor combinators with Pre/Post.
    • Data.Functor.Invariant.Day.Chain and Data.Functor.Invariant.Night.Chain created, factoring out the Chain part of the invariant Day/Night. This was done to fix the fact that Data.Functor.Invariant.Day is a module that already existed in kan-extensions. Oops!

      • As a consequence, DayChain and NightChain are now newtype wrappers instead of plain type synonyms.
    • v0.3.4.1: Add in missing Functor and Invariant instances for ProPre and ProPost, as well as a bunch of instances for ProPre.

    • v0.3.4.2: Add in missing HFunctor, Inject, Interpret instances for PostT.