ghc-exactprint alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "ghc" category.
Alternatively, view ghc-exactprint alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
An alternative to ghc --make which supports parallel compilation of modules and runs faster when nothing needs compiling. -
ghc-datasize is a tool to determine the size of Haskell data structures in GHC's memory -
ByteString/Text variants of Debug.Trace.traceEvent/traceMarker and binary event logging
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
Do you think we are missing an alternative of ghc-exactprint or a related project?
GHC version of haskell-src-exts exactPrint
Note: This only works with GHC 7.10.2 and beyond. As of now (2015-06-03) GHC 7.10.2 is not yet released
Building with stack
Requires stack Version, Git revision 91fe70306f51eb3d68667a0d6e09a7d7ebbeb2b6
or later
GHC 7.10.2 (rc2 and later)
Ensure the right GHC is on your path using
Build, test
stack build
stack test
GHC 7.11.20150621 and later
Ensure the right GHC is on your path using
ghc-config 7.11.20150621
Build, test
stack --skip-ghc-check --stack-yaml stack-7.11.yaml build
stack --skip-ghc-check --stack-yaml stack-7.11.yaml test
Current Limitations
- Does not process CPP properly [should be sorted soon]
- Does not process Lhs files properly
- Does not properly process multi-line strings in WARNING and DEPRECATED pragmas [ see which missed the cut for 7.10.2 due to AST change ]
- Does not preserve the unicode * character, reducing it to a standard one.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ghc-exactprint README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.