
Monthly Downloads: 34
Programming language: Haskell
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Tags: Web    
Latest version: v0.6.0.1

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Build Status Hackage Stackage 8 Stackage 9 Stackage Nightly

A Haskell wrapper for the Giphy HTTP API using servant-client.


The module provides a Giphy monad which can be run with runGiphy to lift it into IO. Here's a simple usage example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Web.Giphy as Giphy

apiKey :: Giphy.Key
apiKey = Giphy.Key "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"

sample :: IO ()
sample = do
  let config = Giphy.GiphyConfig apiKey
  resp <- Giphy.runGiphy (app "puppies") config
  print resp

    app :: T.Text -> Giphy.Giphy [Giphy.Gif]
    app q = do
      resp <- Giphy.search $ Giphy.Query q
      return $ Giphy._searchItems resp

For a slightly more complex example, check out the [sample app](app/Main.hs), which also features the use of lenses.


Use stack to build this library.

$ stack setup
$ stack test
# Drop the flag if you don't want the sample app to be built.
$ stack build --flag=giphy-api:buildSample
# To install the sample tool
$ stack install

Sample CLI Tool Usage

$ giphy-search --help

Usage: giphy-search ([-s|--search ARG] | [-t|--translate ARG] | [RANDOM_TAG])
  Find GIFs on the command line.

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -s,--search ARG          Use search to find a matching GIF.
  -t,--translate ARG       Use translate to find a matching GIF.
  -V,--version             Show version information
$ giphy-search puppies
Just https://media2.giphy.com/media/PjQFtJnmdOlwI/giphy.gif
$ giphy-search --translate superman
Just https://media3.giphy.com/media/eOewytQL4tOOA/giphy.gif
$ giphy-search "1C4D539A-B787-497F-B1DC-8FCF8D2C026D"

Missing features

  • There is no compiler flag at the moment to disable lenses if those aren't needed. The library, however, uses microlens so the overhead should be minimal.

  • The "Stickers" API endpoints are currently not covered. If you need them, let me know. PRs obviously very welcome.

  • Some fields are currently not exposed. Again, if you need them, open an issue. For example, I have never seen a type value other than "gif" so I decided to skip it.