hz3 v408.1 Release Notes

  • ✅ Tested (sort of) with Z3 4.8.4.

    • ➕ Added bindings to substitute and isEqAST. (Hengchu Zhang)
    • ➕ Added MonadFail instance for Z3, required by GHC >=8.6. (Conal Elliott)
    • Updated Z3_get_error_msg signature (Z3 C API 4.8.7). (Kevin Quick)
    • 🛠 Removed bindings to Z3_fixedpoint_push and Z3_fixedpoint_pop (Z3 C API 4.8.5). (Eric Walkingshaw)
    • Replaced z3_get_error_msg_ex with z3_get_error_msg (Z3 C API 4.8.5). (Alexander Knauth)
    • ➕ Added semigroups to dependencies for GHC <= 7. (Hogeyama)