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Haskell implementation of the Threefish block cipher and the Skein hash function built on it.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
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Haskell implementation of the Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing algorithm.
It provides a Stuffed
newtype wrapper for Lazy Bytestrings, which is parametrized on the Byte (Word8, represented as a type-level Nat) to be encoded away.
The implementation tries to be as efficient as possible, type safe and easy to use. If you have a "sink" like
sink :: Stuffed 0 -> IO ()
sink = undefined
You'd then simply be able to encode a Bytestring with sink $ stuff bytes
You can try this out in ghci with:
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> :set -XDataKinds
> import Data.Stuffed
> let stuffedBytes = stuff "a\0b\0c" :: Stuffed 0
> unpack $ unwrap stuffedBytes -- directly access the underlying bytestring
> unpack $ unstuff stuffedBytes