Documentation: ipfs on hackage
A library for integrating IPFS into your haskell applications. Interact with the IPFS network by shelling out to a local IPFS node or communicating via the HTTP interface of a remote node.
Define instances for MonadLocalIPFS
and/or MonadRemoteIPFS
. Each requires only one function:
class Monad m => MonadRemoteIPFS m where
runRemote :: Servant.ClientM a -> m (Either Servant.ClientError a)
class Monad m => MonadLocalIPFS m where
runLocal ::
-> Lazy.ByteString
-> m (Either Process.Error Process.RawMessage)
We use RIO processes to shell out to a local IPFS node and Servant for HTTP requests to a remote node.
After that, simply add MonadLocalIPFS m
as a constraint to a function and you'll be able to call IPFS within it.
For instance:
import Network.IPFS
import qualified Network.IPFS.Add as IPFS
import Network.IPFS.File.Types as File
add ::
MonadLocalIPFS m
=> File.Serialzed
-> m ()
add (Serialized rawData) = IPFS.addRaw rawData >>= \case
Right newCID ->
-- ...
Left err ->
-- ...
You can see example instances below:
( HasProcessContext cfg
, HasLogFunc cfg
, Has IPFS.BinPath cfg
, Has IPFS.Timeout cfg
=> MonadLocalIPFS (RIO cfg) where
runLocal opts arg = do
IPFS.BinPath ipfs <- view hasLens
IPFS.Timeout secs <- view hasLens
let opts' = ("--timeout=" <> show secs <> "s") : opts
runProc readProcess ipfs (byteStringInput arg) byteStringOutput opts' >>= \case
(ExitSuccess, contents, _) ->
return $ Right contents
(ExitFailure _, _, stdErr)
| Lazy.isSuffixOf "context deadline exceeded" stdErr ->
return . Left $ Process.Timeout secs
| otherwise ->
return . Left $ Process.UnknownErr stdErr
( Has IPFS.URL cfg
, Has HTTP.Manager cfg
=> MonadRemoteIPFS (RIO cfg) where
runRemote query = do
IPFS.URL url <- view hasLens
manager <- view hasLens
& mkClientEnv manager
& runClientM query
& liftIO
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ipfs README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.