
Monthly Downloads: 17
Programming language: Haskell
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Tags: Network    
Latest version: v4.0.0

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A Haskell library for the Slack API. It even comes with support for real- time messaging (read: web sockets).

CircleCI status:

I just want the library

It is on Hackage but not on Stackage. You will have to add "linklater-" to "extra-deps".

I just want documentation

• A rather unhelpful tutorial In which we build a real-time jazz-hands robot

• GitHub Pages The master branch (development), built from CircleCI

• Hackage The last release

Bots built with Linklater

• jpgtobot Uses @dpatti’s jpg-to library to search for JPEGs on the internet. Usage: /jpeg togepi or /jpeg two headed boy.

• hi5bot Lets you high-five people, among other amazing interactions. Usage: /hi5 susan, /hi5.

• huskybot As featured in Wired magazine.

• mathbot Takes in LaTeX, spits out PNGs. Usage: /math e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0.


• Lovely Haddock-friendly documentation with no misspelllllings to be found

• A little DSL for the Slack formatting syntax

• Comes, out of the box!, with a fast mode (slashSimple) and a power mode (slash)

• A warm, receptive maintainer with beautiful brown eyes

• BSD3 license


• Hao Lian @hlian • Ulysses Popple @ulyssesp • Ian Henry @ianthehenry

Our fierce competition

• tightrope

Code of conduct

All contributors to this project solemnly swear to follow the code of conduct cross their hearts hope to die spit a seed into an eagle’s eye.

~code of conduct~

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the linklater README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.