matterhorn v40400.0.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿš€ This release supports server version 4.4.

    ๐Ÿ†• New features:

    • The active color theme can be customized by creating a theme customization file and setting the new themeCustomizationFile option. This setting lets you override any foreground color, background color, or style of any aspect of the Matterhorn interface. For details on the format of the customization file, please see the "Themes" help in Matterhorn with the /help themes command.
    • Edited posts are now displayed with a trailling "edited" marker. This change includes some new behavior and a new configuration option:
      • When you visit a post that has recent edits, the "edited" marker will be highlighted. This highlight can be dismissed in the same way as the "New Messages" cutoff, using the M-l keybinding.
      • This feature can be turned off using by setting the showOlderEdits configuration option to False.
    • New commands:
      • The /remove-user command removes a user from a channel.
      • The /group-msg command creates a new private group channel including several users.
      • The /search [term] command searches the chat history for posts that include the provided text and displays those posts in an overlay. Thanks to @abhin4v for this change!
    • Matterhorn now includes embedded hyperlinks using terminal escape sequences in terminals that support them. For more information on terminal support for hyperlink escape sequences, please see this gist and its associated discussion.
    • The width of the channel list (in columns) is now configurable with channelListWidth, which defaults to 20.
    • The urlOpenCommand can now be an interactive terminal-based program (such as a terminal-based web browser) but this requires the configuration option urlOpenCommandIsInteractive to be set to True. This defaults to False and should not be changed if the urlOpenCommand is not a terminal-based program.
    • The current selection in channel select mode can be moved forward and backward with C-n and C-p. (fixes #139)
    • Quotation blocks now include visible characters in addition to indentation.
    • We now honor the server's notification settings for channels.

    ๐Ÿ› Bug fixes:

    • New direct-message channels are properly added to running sessions (fixes #264)
    • No more reporting of "resource vanished" exceptions (fixes #116)
    • Missing editing keybindings now included in edit binding list (fixes #139)
    • Websocket message parse failures no longer result in crashes (fixes #297)
    • The sidebar no longer shows deleted users (fixes #316)
    • Tab-completion no longer includes deleted users (fixes #320)
    • User status updates are now rate-limited (fixes #282)
    • Private channels can be deleted successfully (fixes #304)
    • External commands now run in the background in their own thread and do not block the main UI (fixes #270)
    • Channel renaming is honored at runtime and does not require a restart (fixes #324)
    • Group channel show/hide preferences are observed, which in practice means a user can now 'leave' a several-user group channel
    • New channels will not appear twice in the sidebar (fixes #327)
    • New messages to previously-hidden group channels will cause the group channel to be shown again (fixes #326)

    ๐Ÿ“ฆ Package changes:

    • is now listed in extra-doc-files.
    • Three scripts usable with the /sh command are now listed in extra-doc-files:
      • cowsay runs the message text through the cowsay shell command and formats the output as a verbatim block. This command requires the cowsay command-line program to be installed externally.
      • figlet runs the message text through the figlet shell command and formats the output as a verbatim block. This command requires the figlet command-line program to be installed externally.
      • rot13 runs the trivial ROT13 subsitution cipher over the message text and otherwise passes it through unchanged.