matterhorn v40700.0.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿš€ This release supports Mattermost server version 4.7.

    ๐Ÿ†• New features:

    • The /focus command with no arguments now starts channel selection mode, equivalent to the default binding of C-g.
    • The /join command now accepts an optional channel name argument. If provided, the named channel is joined (#361).
    • A new user browser was added! The user browser presents a list of users and the ability to search users by name. The new user list powers some new and existing commands:
      • A new /msg command is used to browse known users and select a user with Enter to begin a private chat session with the selected user.
      • A new /add-user command is used to add users to the current channel. The list shows users who are not already members of the channelcurrent and Enter adds the selected user to the channel.
      • The existing /members command now shows a browsable user list of members of the current channel. Enter begins a private chat session with the selected user.

    ๐Ÿ› Bug fixes:

    • Missing urlOpenCommands are now reported as error messages rather than informative messages.
    • More login-related exceptions are now displayed in a more readable format on the login screen (#358).
    • Channel selection mode now prefers an exact match as the initial cursor selection if one exists (#356).
    • Replies now indicate the correct parent message in the message list.
    • The multi-line editor help message now shows the active binding (previously M-e).