matterhorn v50200.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-12-05 // over 5 years ago
  • ๐Ÿš€ This release contains many new features and changes. Please read carefully!

    ๐Ÿ†• New features:

    • Matterhorn is now supported on CentOS 7. See the GitHub release tag for a prebuilt CentOS 7 binary.
    • Matterhorn's channel sidebar has changed significantly:
      • Matterhorn now only shows recently-active DM channels in the sidebar rather than showing all users. This change brings Matterhorn closer to the behavior of the official web client and reduces clutter. However, this change may be disorienting since previously all users were shown in the sidebar. To begin a chat with a user absent from your sidebar, use the /msg command.
      • The sidebar channel group headings have been renamed to reflect the new changes and to match those of the official web client.
      • Group DM channels are now displayed in the new Direct Messages section along with one-on-one DM channels.
      • Each channel group heading now displays an asterisk if any channels in that group have unread activity.
    • The autocompletion user interface has been dramatically improved.
      • The command completion UI now appears automatically if the user types a slash at the beginning of the prompt. Any text typed after the slash is matched case-insensitively on all client-side command names and descriptions, with a preference for matching command names. Tab then cycles through the displayed alternatives.
      • The user completion UI now appears automatically if the user enters a user sigil ("@"). Text typed after the sigil searches usernames, nicknames, and full names. Users in the current channel appear first and users not in the current channel appear next, marked with an asterisk and a help hint. Tab cycles through completion of the alternatives.
      • The channel completion UI now appears automatically if the user enters a channel sigil ("~"). Text typed after the sigil searches channel names, headers, and purposes. Channels of which the user is a member are listed first, with other channels following. Tab cycles through completion of the alternatives.
      • The fenced code block language name completion UI now appears automatically if the user types three backticks to begin a code block. Text following the backticks searches known language names case-insensitively with a preference for prefix match. Tab cycles through the alternatives.
    • Matterhorn now supports adding attachments to posts:
      • The default binding of C-x shows a file browser.
      • Enter in the file browser selects a regular file for attachment (or, if used on a directory, navigates to that directory in the browser).
      • The default cancellation binding of Esc closes the browser.
      • The default binding of o opens the selected browser entry using the URL opening command.
      • Once a file is attached, an attachment count is displayed above the message editor.
      • Pressing C-x again will open the attachment list for the current post, where existing attachments can be removed (d) or new ones can be added (a).
    • The channel selection mode (C-g) user input is now performed with a line editor, meaning that all of the text-editing keybindings that are supported in the message editor are now supported in channel selection mode.
    • Channel sidebar cycling keys (C-n, C-p) now cycle through all channels including DM channels, not just non-DM channels as before.

    ๐Ÿ†• New commands:

    • /reconnect: forces a disconnection and reconnection of Matterhorn's websocket connection in case of network connection trouble. Ordinarily Matterhorn will time out and determine that its connection needs to be reestablished, but this command may be useful for other situations.
    • /hide: hides the current single-user or group direct message channel from the sidebar. The channel will reappear later if new messages arrive in the channel.

    ๐Ÿ†• New key events:

    • show-attachment-list (default C-x): show the attachment list or file browser to attach a file to the current post.
    • add-to-attachment-list (default a): in the attachment list, open the file browser to select an additional file to attach to the current post.
    • delete-from-attachment-list (default d): in the attachment list, delete the selected pending attachment. (This does not affect the original disk file.)
    • open-attachment (default o): in the attachment list or file browser, open the selected file or attachment with the URL opening command, if one is configured.

    ๐Ÿ†• New theme attributes:

    • fileBrowser: the base attribute for the attachment file browser.
    • fileBrowser.currentDirectory: the attribute for the file browser's heading displaying its working directory.
    • fileBrowser.selectionInfo: the attribute for the file browser's footer displaying information about the selected file or directory.
    • the attribute used for directories in the file browser.
    • fileBrowser.block: the attribute used for block devices in the file browser.
    • fileBrowser.regular: the attribute used for regular files in the file browser.
    • fileBrowser.char: the attribute used for character devices in the file browser.
    • fileBrowser.pipe: the attribute used for named pipes in the file browser.
    • fileBrowser.symlink: the attribute used for symbolic links in the file browser.
    • fileBrowser.unixSocket: the attribute used for Unix sockets in the file browser.

    ๐Ÿ†• New command-line options:

    • -i/--ignore-config: start Matterhorn with no configuration, i.e., ignore the default configuration.

    ๐ŸŽ Performance improvements:

    • Matterhorn now renders its user interface more efficiently, resulting in improved input latency, especially on larger window sizes.
    • Matterhorn now makes fewer requests on startup, resulting in lower server API burden and improved startup performance.
    • Message username and channel name highlighting is now more efficient.

    ๐Ÿ› Bug fixes:

    • Username highlighting in messages now supports usernames containing periods and underscores (#373)
    • Matterhorn will now ask for a keypress if an interactive URL opener exits with a non-zero exit status, to allow the user to observe any error output before returning to Matterhorn (#462)
    • /group-msg now supports username arguments with sigils.
    • Matterhorn now properly updates channel view timestamps under the right conditions (#449)
    • The bundled notify script now uses bash, not sh, to get extended [ functionality.


    • The help interface now takes up the entire screen when it is active.
    • The user list overlay for /msg now respects the direct message restriction server setting (#378).