matterhorn v50200.12.0 Release Notes

  • 🆕 New features:

    • Matterhorn now supports multiple teams! This includes a number of UI changes:
      • Matterhorn no longer prompts for a team on startup.
      • If the configuration file sets team, Matterhorn will attempt to honor that by selecting that as the active team on startup. If the configuration does not specify the team setting, the initially-selected team is chosen as the first team after sorting the team list alphabetically.
      • The window title now reflects the sum of all unread channels in all teams, rather than the number of unread channels in the current team.
      • If the user is a member of more than one team, the list of teams will be displayed at the top of the window with the active team highlighted. Each team with unread channels will display the count of unread channels next to the team name and teams with unread channels will be highlighted. This change comes with a new theme attribute, currentTeam, to style the selected team in the list.
      • The current team selection can be changed with new keybindings:
        • next-team (default binding: C-Right)
        • prev-team (default binding: C-Left)
      • The team list can be reordered manually. In the official web client, the team list can be reordered by dragging and dropping the team icons; in Matterhorn, this can be done by using two new commands, /move-team-left and /move-team-right, respectively. New keybindings to do the same thing were also added:
        • move-current-team-left (unbound by default)
        • move-current-team-right (unbound by default)
    • The new /rename-channel-url command renames the current channel's URL name. This differs from the server command /rename, which renames the current channel's display name. Renaming the URL name with this command is equivalent to changing the value of the "URL" field in the "Rename Channel" dialog box in the official web client. (thanks to Ajay Eeralla for this work)

    Other improvements:

    • The channel list now takes up the full window height. Previously the message editor and input preview were displayed across the entire screen; now those areas stop at the channel list, so the channel list gets a few more rows of space to display channels.
    • Matterhorn now parses all incoming Markdown text with the Haskell commonmark library. Migrating to commonmark improved our support for many Markdown extensions and improved how Matterhorn handles some Markdown syntax.
    • The syntax highlighting XML files in syntax/ were updated from version of the skylighting package.