matterhorn v50200.13.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ†• New features:

    • Matterhorn now has optional mouse support! Thanks to Hari Menon (@phsmenon) for this work. From the User Guide: Matterhorn supports mouse interaction with some UI elements. To enable mouse support, set enableMouseMode to True in your Matterhorn configuration. Mouse interaction is supported on the following user interface elements:
      • Channel list entries can be clicked to switch channels.
      • Channel list entries in channel selection mode (C-g) can be clicked to switch to the selected channel match.
      • Team names in the team list can be clicked to switch teams.
      • URLs and post links in the URL list (C-o) can be clicked to open them.
      • URLs in messages can be clicked to open them using the configured URL opener.
      • Post links in messages can be clicked to switch to the channel containing the post.
      • Usernames in messages can be clicked to switch to the direct message channel for the clicked user.
      • Usernames in the "Reactions" tab of the message view window can be clicked to switch to the direct message channel for the clicked user.
      • Reactions to messages can be toggled by clicking on them. Click-toggling also works in the "Search Emoji" window as well as the "Reactions" tab of the message view window.
    • Notification scripts now have a richer versioned interface. Thanks to Dave Lamkins (@TieDyedDevil) for this work. Details can be found in docs/
    • Favorite channel support was added. Thanks to Ajay Eeralla (@ajayeeralla) for this work.
      • Matterhorn now honors the "favorite" status of channels, displaying favorite channels together in a new channel list category.
      • Matterhorn got a new command, /toggle-favorite, to toggle the favorite status of the current channel.
    • A new /attach command can be used to attach a file to the message being composed.
    • The URL list got a new keybinding to prompt for attachment save path for the selected entry. This added a new key event, save-attachment (default binding: s), for the URL list. When triggered, if the selected URL entry is for an attachment, a dialog box is shown prompting the user for a path to which to save the attachment. (If the entry is not an attachment, the event is ignored.)
    • The attachment file browser's key bindings can now be customized as Matterhorn key events. Thanks to Dave Lamkins (@TieDyedDevil) for this work. (#628)
    • Matterhorn now supports pipe table syntax in Mattermost messages.
    • The URL selection mode now displays available actions in its UI. The URL list's bottom bar now indicates any actions that are available for the selected link, similarly to how Matterhorn displays such actions for messages in message selection mode. This change also adds a new theme attribute, urlSelectStatus, that is used to render the keybindings shown in the options list.

    ๐Ÿ› Bug fixes:

    • Message reactions are now wrapped rather than being truncated by the window width (#715)
    • When switching away from one team to another, the previous team now has its current channel marked as viewed to fix a bug where unread messages in that channel were still seen as unread.

    Other improvements:

    • Channel autocompletion alternatives are now trimmed to one row in height (thanks Karl Smeltzer (@karljs)).
    • User metadata is now updated correctly in reponse to websocket events (#697; thanks Karl Smeltzer (@karljs)).
    • "No route to host" exceptions no longer trigger "unexpected error" messages (#714)
    • Matterhorn no longer exposes the server's /msg command (#657)
    • Matterhorn no longer exposes the server's /search command since Matterhorn provides its own UI for that command.
    • The /group-msg command was renamed to /group-create to make it more distinct from the server command which has a different behavior (#657).
    • The /remove-user command was renamed to /remove and the server's /remove command is no longer exposed (#657).
    • Matterhorn now shows the team position and count in team list (#692).
    • Matterhorn now falls back to UTC when it is unable to load local time zone data (#695).