
Monthly Downloads: 1
Programming language: Haskell
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Tags: Sound     Multimedia    
Latest version: v0.3.2.1

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Frauenhofer ISO-14496-3 AAC FDK mediabus Integration

Build Status Hackage

A wrapper around the Frauenhofer Development Kit (FDK) for AAC.

Currently only encoding is supported.

This library requires that this C-library including the header files is installed and can by queried via pkg-config.

Usage Example

The easiest way to use this package is via the Conduit interface. An example is found in examples/Main.hs.

Encoding via the conduit interface basically boils down to:

     .| encodeLinearToAacC (aacEncoderConfig aacHe48KhzStereo)

In this specific case encodeLinearToAacC has the type:

encodeLinearToAacC ::  
     AacEncoderConfig (Hz 48000) Stereo 'HighEfficiency   -- The encoder cofiguration
  -> Conduit                                              -- The resulting Conduit
          (Stream SrcId32                                      -- Input: The Stream id is a 'SrcId32'
                  SeqNum16                                     --   16 bit frame sequence numbers
                  (Ticks64 (Hz 48000))                         --   64 bit frame timestamps at 48kHz sample rate
                  ()                                           --   no stream-info for raw audio
                  (Audio (Hz 48000) Stereo (Raw S16)))         --   linear signed 16bit stereo audio data

          (ResourceT (LoggingT IO))                            -- Monad: Logging and Resource management over IO

          (Stream SrcId32                                             -- Output:
                  (Ticks64 (Hz 48000))               
                  (AacEncoderInfo (Hz 48000) Stereo 'HighEfficiency)  -- AAC Stream Info: Framelength and Audio Specific Config
                  (Audio (Hz 48000) Stereo (Aac 'HighEfficiency)))    -- AAC-HE audio data