
Monthly Downloads: 15
Programming language: Haskell
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License

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Basic information

The interaction of name-binding and alpha-equivalence with data can be tricky. Examples include:

  • Inductively defining syntax and reductions of a syntax with binding, e.g. lambda-calculus or System F.
  • Graph-like structures, especially if they have danging pointers.

This package implements a nominal datatypes package in Haskell, based on names and swappings.
With it, you can define data with name-binding and program on this data in a manner closely mirroring informal practice.

The package design is based on a well-studied mathematical reference model as described in a new approach to abstract syntax with variable binding (author's pdfs).

For usage, please see:

Building and running

Clone this repo:

    $ git clone https://github.com/bellissimogiorno/nominal.git
    $ cd nominal

Using Stack

  1. Install Stack.

  2. Build:

    $ stack build
  3. Read the documentation:

    $ stack haddock --open
  4. Run some unit- and property-based tests:

    $ stack test
  5. Explore it in ghci:

    $ stack ghci src/Language/Nominal/Examples/SystemF.hs
    $ stack ghci src/Language/Nominal/Examples/IdealisedEUTxO.hs

Using Cabal

  1. Install Cabal.

  2. Build:

    $ cabal build
  3. Read the documentation:

    $ cabal haddock

This will build the documentation and output the name of the html-file that you can then open in your browser.

  1. Run some unit- and property-based tests:

    $ cabal test --test-show-detail=direct
  2. Explore it in ghci:

    $ cabal repl Language/Nominal/Examples/SystemF.hs
    $ cabal repl Language/Nominal/Examples/IdealisedEUTxO.hs


Copied from the untyped lambda calculus example, and see a corresponding example from the Bound package.

{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs
           , DeriveGeneric
           , LambdaCase
           , MultiParamTypeClasses
           , DeriveAnyClass       -- to derive 'Swappable'
           , DeriveDataTypeable   -- to derive 'Data'
           , FlexibleInstances

module Language.Nominal.Examples.UntypedLambda
     Var, Exp (..), whnf, lam, example1, example1whnf, example2, example2whnf

import GHC.Generics
import Data.Generics     hiding (Generic, typeOf)

import Language.Nominal.Utilities
import Language.Nominal.Name
import Language.Nominal.Nom
import Language.Nominal.Abs
import Language.Nominal.Sub

-- | Variables are string-labelled names
type Var = Name String

infixl 9 :@
-- | Terms of the untyped lambda-calculus
data Exp = V Var              -- ^ Variable
         | Exp :@ Exp         -- ^ Application
         | Lam (KAbs Var Exp) -- ^ Lambda, using abstraction-type
 deriving (Eq, Generic, Data, Swappable, Show)

-- | helper for building lambda-abstractions
lam :: Var -> Exp -> Exp
lam x a = Lam (x @> a)

-- | Substitution.  Capture-avoidance is automatic.
instance KSub Var Exp Exp where
   sub :: Var -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
   sub v t = rewrite $ \case -- 'rewrite' comes from Scrap-Your-Boilerplate generics.  It goes automatically under the binder.
      V v' | v' == v -> Just t   -- If @V v'@, replace with @t@ ...
      _              -> Nothing  -- ... otherwise recurse.

{- The substitution instance above is equivalent to the following:

-- | Explicit recursion.
expRec :: (Var -> a) -> (Exp -> Exp -> a) -> (Var -> Exp -> a) -> Exp -> a
expRec f0 _ _ (V n)      = f1 n
expRec _ f1 _ (s1 :@ s2) = f2 s1 s2
expRec _ _ f2 (Lam x')   = f3 `genApp` x'

instance KSub Var Exp Exp where
   sub :: Var -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
   sub v t = expRec (\v'   -> if v' == v then t else V v')
                    (\a b  -> sub v t a :@ sub v t b)
                    (\v' a -> lam v' $ sub v t a)

-- | weak head normal form of a lambda-term.
whnf :: Exp -> Exp 
whnf (Lam b' :@ a) = whnf $ b' `conc` a  
whnf             e = e

-- | (\x x) y
example1 :: Exp
example1 = (\[x, y] -> lam x (V x) :@ V y) `genAppC` freshNames ["x", "y"] 
-- | y
example1whnf :: Exp
example1whnf = whnf example1

-- | (\x xy) x
example2 :: Exp
example2 = (\[x, y] -> lam x (V x :@ V y) :@ V x) `genAppC` freshNames ["x", "y"] 
-- | xy
example2whnf :: Exp
example2whnf = whnf example2


Thanks to Lars Brünjes for help, support, and code contributions.