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Control packages

Showing projects tagged as Data and Control

  • apecs

    9.7 7.3 Haskell
    a fast, extensible, type driven Haskell ECS framework for games
  • classy-prelude

    9.6 6.4 Haskell
    Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
  • classy-prelude-yesod

    9.6 6.4 Haskell
    Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
  • porcupine-core

    9.4 0.0 Haskell
    Express parametrable, composable and portable data pipelines
  • these

    9.4 3.9 Haskell
    An either-or-both data type, with corresponding hybrid error/writer monad transformer.
  • contravariant

    9.1 3.8 Haskell
    Haskell 98 contravariant functors
  • rank2classes

    8.3 6.4 Haskell
    Grammatical parsers - combinator library for parsing general context-free grammars
  • lensref

    7.9 0.0 Haskell
    DISCONTINUED. References which can be joined and on which lenses can be applied
  • churros

    7.3 0.0 Haskell
    simple chan based stream programming with arrow interface (Chan + Arrow = Churro)
  • apart

    7.3 0.0 Haskell
    Get all your structure and rip it apart.
  • invariant

    7.1 5.9 Haskell
    the 'invariant' Haskell package for invariant functors
  • drinkery

    6.5 0.0 Haskell
    Boozy streaming library
  • data-lens

    6.5 0.0 Haskell
    Haskell 98 Lenses
  • monad-supply

    6.4 2.6 Haskell
    Support for computations which consume values from a (possibly infinite) supply.
  • conversion

    5.2 0.0 Haskell
    Universal converter between values of different types
  • data-lens-fd

    3.6 0.0 Haskell
    Lenses with Functional Dependencies
  • invertible

    3.3 1.8 Haskell
    Haskell bidirectional arrows, bijective functions, and invariant functors
  • with

    3.1 0.0 Roff
    DISCONTINUED. Simple open product type
  • pandora

    3.1 0.0 Haskell
    Pure basic library based on math abstractions
  • joint

    1.9 0.0 Haskell
    Extremely simple effect system for Haskell
  • telega

    1.6 0.0 Haskell
    Telegram Bot API library
  • mech

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
  • apecs-stm

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. STM stores for apecs
  • morphisms

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. It's all about functions
  • morphisms-functors

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Functors, theirs compositions and transformations
  • morphisms-functors-inventory

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Inventory is state and store
  • morphisms-objects

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Algebraic structures