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Aeson packages

Showing projects tagged as Text and Aeson

  • aeson

    9.9 6.2 L1 Haskell
    A fast Haskell JSON library
  • aeson-pretty

    8.9 3.8 Haskell
    JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool.
  • aeson-typescript

    8.8 5.1 Haskell
    Generate TypeScript definition files from your ADTs
  • aeson-better-errors

    7.8 0.0 Haskell
    Better errors when decoding JSON values
  • aeson-yaml

    6.7 3.5 Haskell
    Encode any Aeson (JSON) value as YAML (in pure Haskell)
  • aeson-combinators

    6.1 5.3 Haskell
    Aeson combinators for dead simple JSON decoding
  • aeson-quick

    3.6 3.2 Haskell
    Haskell library for quick JSON extractions with Aeson
  • aeson-parsec-picky

    3.1 0.0 Haskell
    Picky JSON parser
  • aeson-filthy

    2.8 0.0 Haskell
    Aeson parsing shims that make me feel dirty
  • aeson-generic-compat

    1.9 4.6 Shell
    Compatible generic class names of Aeson
  • aeson-native

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Fast JSON parsing and encoding (deprecated)