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String packages

Showing projects tagged as Text and String

  • string-conv

    7.8 0.0 Haskell
    Standardized conversion between string types
  • string-conversions

    7.5 1.4 Haskell
    Simplifies dealing with different types for strings
  • ListLike

    6.8 0.0 Haskell
    Generic list-like structures [Haskell]
  • string-class

    4.1 3.1 Haskell
    String class library
  • string-similarity

    3.8 0.0
    longest common substring
  • encode-string

    3.6 3.3 Haskell
    String encoding and decoding in Haskell
  • string-transform

    3.3 0.0 Haskell
    simple and easy haskell string transform
  • string-combinators

    2.8 0.0 Haskell
    Polymorphic functions to build and combine stringlike values
  • sscript

    1.6 0.0 Haskell
    Formats Strings with subscript or superscript characters
  • string-typelits

    1.1 0.0 Haskell
    A Haskell library providing type level 'String's, with decidable equality
  • string-random

    0.7 0.0 Haskell
    Generate random character string from regular expression