
Monthly Downloads: 48
Programming language: Haskell
License: LicenseRef-PublicDomain
Tags: Network    

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What can this program do?

pgdl is a program for viewing and accessing directory listing webpage in terminal.

Browsing files on directory listings like this is often annoying and hard to find the files we want.

pgdl provids a simple interface for browsing and downloading the files in web-engine-generated directory listings.


by cabal:

cabal update
cabal install pgdl

In case of the versions of dependencies cannot be resolved, you may need to rm -rf ~/.ghc.

via nix:

git clone https://github.com/sifmelcara/pgdl.git
cd pgdl
nix-env -i -f pgdl.nix

example usage

pgdl https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/

or simply type pgdl if you have set servpath attribute in the config file (config file will be explained later).

Shortcut keys

'/' for file searching

press Enter to download the selected file

press 'q' to quit the program

press 'd' to delete currently selected file (which have been downloaded)

press Meta+Enter to resume the download progress of the currently selected file (like curl -C does)

Config file

If you want to access webpage that uses basic authentication, you should at least set username attribute in config file. (if password is not set, you will need to enter password manually when you launch the program)


# example:
username = "jack"      # should be set if the webpage have basic authentication
password = "mypassw"   # optional
servpath = "example.org/videodir/" # default server location, optional
localdir = "/home/jack/Downloads/" # where to store downloaded files, optional