piyo alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Game" category.
Alternatively, view piyo alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the sample game with the web frontend at -
A free and open source breakout clone in Haskell using SDL and FRP, with Wiimote and Kinect support. -
Allure of the Stars is a near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad combat game written in Haskell; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the web frontend version at -
A convenience wrapper around the Gloss library to make writing games in Haskell even easier -
Haskell game where multiple players attempt to blend in with computer controlled characters while being first to visit the key locations on the board. -
Battleship... Pure.. Functional... Haskell + MongoDB + TypeScript + React... https://battleship-fp.com/ -
Haskell embedded domain-specific language (eDSL) for the algorithmic construction of maps for the computer game "Doom"
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of piyo or a related project?
Haskell game engine like fantasy console. Inspired by PICO-8.
- minimum but simple api
- pure update funciton
- japanease bitmap font support
It supports PICO-8 like drawing api.
Assuming Specification
For now below.
- display: 192x192
- sprite size: 12x12
- map size: 16x16
SDL2 needed.
For OS X
Install middle wares with homebrew.
brew install sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf
For others
It may work ..!
Minimal code
import Piyo
instance Game () where
draw _ =
[ cls Yellow
, txt Black "Hello, World!" 48 48
main :: IO ()
main = piyo () Nothing
Data Flow Schematic
Functions are called in order update, draw, sound every frame.
Index number starts with 0. Not 1.
Sample working code at [Examples](examples)
Development in the future
- Redesign assets format
- Enrich sound api
- Add useful state update functions
- FPS management
- Support ore key action
- Sprite and map editor
- Export function for distribution
- etc...