All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
20 days
Latest Release
2048 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v0.3.0.0 Changes
- Switch backend to diagrams-rasterific, losing the dependency on Cairo.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to diagrams 1.4.
- Various new puzzle types, including Minesweeper, Tents, Snake, Country Road, Killer Sudoku.
v0.2.0.0 Changes
- ⬆️ Upgrade diagrams version.
- ➕ Add various new puzzle types.
- ➕ Add solution code markers.
v0.1.0.4 Changes
- ➕ add installation and usage instructions to README
- 🔀 merge puzzle-draw-cmdline
- ⚡️ update for diagrams 1.2 and ghc 7.8
- ➕ add new puzzle types: Bahnhof, Cave
- 📇 rename
- include and use a nicer font
- 👍 command-line option to list supported puzzle types
- 🛠 various tweaks and fixes
v0.1.0.3 Changes
- ➕ add new puzzle types: Maximal Lengths, Prime Place, Magic Labyrinth
v0.1.0.2 Changes
- ➕ add new puzzle types: Japanese Sums, Coral
v0.1.0.1 Changes
- ➕ add new puzzle type: Tapa
v0.1.0.0 Changes
- 🚀 first release