sbv v3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-02-16 // about 10 years ago
    • Support for floating-point numbers:
      • Preliminary support for IEEE-floating point arithmetic, introducing the types SFloat and SDouble. The support is still quite new, and Z3 is the only solver that currently features a solver for this logic. Likely to have bugs, both at the SBV level, and at the Z3 level; so any bug reports are welcome!
    • New backend solvers:
      • SBV now supports MathSAT from Fondazione Bruno Kessler and DISI-University of Trento. See:
    • Support all-sat calls in the presence of uninterpreted sorts:
      • Implement better support for allSat in the presence of uninterpreted sorts. Previously, SBV simply rejected running allSat queries in the presence of uninterpreted sorts, since it was not possible to generate a refuting model. The model returned by the SMT solver is simply not usable, since it names constants that is not visible in a subsequent run. Eric Seidel came up with the idea that we can actually compute equivalence classes based on a produced model, and assert the constraint that the new model should disallow the previously found equivalence classes instead. The idea seems to work well in practice, and there is also an example program demonstrating the functionality: Examples/Uninterpreted/UISortAllSat.hs
    • Programmable model extraction improvements:
      • Add functions getModelDictionary and getModelDictionaries, which provide low-level access to models returned from SMT solvers. Former for sat and prove calls, latter for allSat calls. Together with the exported utils from the Data.SBV.Internals module, this should allow for expert users to dissect the models returned and do fancier programming on top of SBV.
      • Add getModelValue, getModelValues, getModelUninterpretedValue, and getModelUninterpretedValues; which further aid in model value extraction.
    • Other:
      • Allow users to specify the SMT-Lib logic to use, if necessary. SBV will still pick the logic automatically, but users can now override that choice. Comes in handy when playing with custom logics.
    • Bug fixes:
      • Address allsat-laziness issue (#78 in github issue tracker). Essentially, simplify how all-sat is called so we can avoid calling the solver for solutions that are not needed. Thanks to Eric Seidel for reporting.
    • Examples:
      • Add Data/SBV/Examples/Misc/ModelExtract.hs as a simple example for programmable model extraction and usage.
      • Add Data/SBV/Examples/Misc/Floating.hs for some FP examples.
      • Use the AUFLIA logic in Examples.Existentials.Diophantine which helps z3 complete the proof quickly. (The BV logics take too long for this problem.)