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Sessiontypes is a Haskell library that provides a deep embedded domain-specific language for writing session typed programs. A session typed program is a program annotated with session types. A session type describes a communication protocol at the type-level. The motivation for using session types is that it gives you a static guarantee that a program correctly implements a protocol. It may even guarantee that deadlocking cannot occur in a client-server setting.


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For this tutorial we'll start by defining a trivial session typed program and explain it, then we gradually add extensions and explain those as well.

A fairly trivial session typed program can be defined as follows:

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import Control.SessionTypes
import Control.SessionTypes.Indexed

prog :: STTerm m s s Int
prog = return 0

For even a basic program we need to do a couple things before we can write it and have it type check.

  1. First we have to import the SessionTypes module that exports the most essential for writing any session typed program.
  2. Then we also import Control.SessionTypes.Indexed which is a custom prelude for indexed type classes.
  3. The Control.SessionTypes.Indexed module is meant to replace Prelude. For example, the function return belongs to the IxMonad type class that can be found in Control.SessionTypes.Indexed. Of course this will result in ambiguous function errors, so we add the RebindableSyntax pragma.

Option 3 is actually optional. You may also do a qualified import on Control.SessionTypes.Indexed.

Now that we have the right imports and set the language pragma can we begin to write a session typed program. A session typed program is defined in terms of STTerm. This is a GADT that is parameterised with a Monad, two capabilities (session types) and a Type. STTerm is indexed on the two capabilities and hence is also an indexed monad. The first capability is the pre-state and the second capability is the post-state of any STTerm computation. For every indexed function that we will use there is a constructor in STTerm. For return this is Ret that simply takes an argument of kind Type. In the above example we define a simple program named prog that simply returns the value 0. Since a return is not considered a session typed action, we have that the indexes of prog remain the same.

When we do a session typed action the indexes will be different. For example:

prog :: STTerm m ('Cap '[] (Int :!> r)) ('Cap '[] r) Int
prog = send 5 >> return 0

Now prog first completes a send using the send primitive before it once again returns. This is also describes in the session type as Int :!> r (we ignore the entire capability for now). This session type says to send a value of type Int followed by some undetermined session type. If you were to remove send 5, but leave the type as it is, then a type error will be generated. Similarly, if you were to remove Int :!> in the session type but left the send in the definition of prog. This means that a program typed with a send session type will really do a send. The send function is essentially a wrapper over the Send constructor and it has the following type: a -> STTerm m ('Cap '[] (a :!> r)) ('Cap '[] r) (). However, the Send constructor has type a -> STTerm m ('Cap '[] r) r' -> STTerm m ('Cap '[] (a :!> r)) r' (). So it actually takes another STTerm as an argument. This is the case for all constructors of STTerm, except for Ret. When we write a session typed program like prog, we actually end up writing an abstract syntax tree consisting of the constructors of STTerm. That means we are still to apply any semantics to prog.

Next we will include a receive and also offer a way to end a protocol:

prog :: STTerm m ('Cap '[] (Int :!> Bool :?> Eps)) ('Cap '[] Eps) Bool
prog = send 5 >> recv >>= eps

We have added two more session types: :?> denoting a receive and Eps denoting the end of a session type. By composing the primitives the session types are also composed. So doing a receive after a send will generate a session type of the form a :!> b :?> r. It should be noted that the constructor Recv takes a continuation. This is necessary to have recv return a value that we will only later be able to define.

You can now write a basic session typed program, but we can't yet apply any meaning to it. For that purpose we defined several interpreters. Here I will only explain the interactive evaluator, but you may find documentation on how to use the other interpreters in their respective modules.

The interactive evaluator lets you run a session, two session typed programs implementing a protocol, where one actor in the session is defined by a session typed program and the other is the user. The interpreter is defined as follows:

interactive :: (MonadIO m, HasConstraints '[Read, Show, Typeable] s, Show a) => STTerm m s r a -> m a
interactive (Send _ r) = interactive r
interactive r@(Recv c) = do
    liftIO $ putStr $ "Enter value of type " ++ typeShow r ++ ": "
    ma <- liftIO $ fmap readMaybe getLine
    case ma of
      Nothing -> interactive r
      Just a  -> interactive $ c a
  where typeShow :: forall m ctx a r k b. Typeable a => STTerm m ('Cap ctx (a :?> r)) k b -> String
        typeShow _ = show $ typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)
interactive (Ret a)  = return a

The interpreter evaluates a program of type STTerm m s r a to a program of type m a. For the Send constructor we do not really need to do anything, since we're not interested in the value that is sent. So we simply do a recursive call on its second argument. For Recv we must do a lot more. For a Recv we must pass an argument to its continuation to access the rest of the AST. For this interpreter we do so by asking the user to supply a value that we then read, pass to the continuation of Recv and then recursively evaluate the result. For Ret we simply return the value it contains.

We can now apply this interpreter to prog and run it:

main = interactive prog

>>> main
> Enter value of type Bool: True

The above should give the reader of this tutorial a basic idea of how to write a session typed program and subsequently evaluate it using an interpreter. For the next part we will more briefly discuss other session typed primitives and interpreters. More documentation can be found in the modules themselves.


Sometimes we want to make a choice which type of value to send depending on some other calculated value. For example:

prog = do
  x <- recv
  case x of
    0 -> send True
    n -> send "False"

This program will result in a type error, because the types of the branches of the case expression do not unify. To resolve this we can allow branching in the session types. We have two types of branching:

Sel [ST] -- Selection
Off [ST] -- Offering

Both selection and offering take a list of session types as an argument. A selection selects a single branch to implement, while an offering offers to implement all branches.

prog :: STTerm m ('Cap '[] (Int :?> Sel '[Int :!> r, String :!> r])) ('Cap '[] r) ()
prog = do
  x <- recv
  case x of
    0 -> sel1 >> send True
    n -> sel2 >> sel1 >> send "False"

For selection there are two constructors. The first constructor Sel1 selects the head of the list of session types to implement. That means that after using a sel1, the chosen branch should be implemented. The second constructor Sel2 skips the head of the list of session types. It does not select a branch, but allows other branches to be selected.

progDual :: STTerm m ('Cap '[] (Int :!> Off '[Int :?> r, String :?> r])) ('Cap '[] r) ()
progDual = do
  send 0
  offS recv (offZ recv)

An offering must implement all branches as it is leaving the choice to implement a specific branch up to someone else. How this is implemented depends on the interpreter of course. For the interactive interpreter, the user would choose the branch. For an offering there are also two constructors OffS and OffZ. OffS contains a branch and another offering and OffZ contains the very last branch in an offering.


Also recursion requires extra typing. If we were to write a program like this:

sendChar = send 'c' >> sendChar

Then an infinite type occurrence type error will be generated. We add three new session types:

R ST -- delimits scope
Wk ST -- weakens scope
V -- recursion variable

The R session type delimits the scope of recursion. Essentially that means that after an R we may recurse at some point. The Wk session type is necessary if we have nested recursion and the V session type denotes the actual point of recursion. Now before I further explain how these session types should be used, I'll first define the scope of recursion. The scope of recursion is simply a list of session types that we must also index on. We also refer to the scope of recursion as the context. This is why we define capabilities and have STTerm index on these.

data Cap = Cap [ST] ST

The capability takes the scope of recursion and the session type as an argument.

Now when we say that R delimits the scope of recursion, we mean that it adds its session type argument to the top of the context. And the Wk session type removes the top of the context. We do this adding and removing, because the Var constructor that is annotated by V looks at the top of the context and uses that session type as the pre-state of its STTerm argument. This means that whatever comes after the Var must implement the session type that was at the top of the context.

sendChar :: STTerm m ('Cap '[] (R (Char :!> Off '[V, Wk Eps]))) ('Cap '[] Eps) ()
sendChar = recurse go
    go = do
      send 'c'
      offS (var0 >> sendChar) (offZ $ weaken0 >> eps0)

In this example we make use of almost all session types. We first delimit the scope of recursion, do a send and then offer to either recurse or leave the recursion followed by ending the protocol. Strictly speaking it isn't necessary to use a weaken here, but without it the context in the post-state would be non-empty. Usually you would want to use a weaken to have the V session type recurse back to a different R.