
Monthly Downloads: 4
Programming language: Haskell
License: MIT License
Tags: Web    
Latest version: v0.1.1.2

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SimpleServer (SimpleServer

This package provides a simple file server which can be configured using haskell files (similar to xmonad).


  • Provides folder index listings
  • Serves static files from the specified folder
  • Fully configurable using haskell configuration files


First install the executable -

For cabal users -

$ cabal install SimpleServer

Or if you prefer to use stack -

$ stack install SimpleServer

Run with --help for usage information -

$ simpleserver --help
SimpleServer v0.1.1.1

simpleserver [OPTIONS]

Common flags:
  -p --port[=INT]       Port on which the server runs (default 8000)
  -s --static[=ITEM]    Folder with the static files (default ("."))
     --paths            Print the expected path to the simpleserver config
  -? --help             Display help message
  -V --version          Print version information
     --numeric-version  Print just the version number
  -v --verbose          Loud verbosity
  -q --quiet            Quiet verbosity

Basically run from any directory that you wish to serve files from.


You can install custom handlers on top of vanilla simpleServer using a haskell configuration file.

For example, let's say you want to keep a count of the number of requests made and print them out to the console. Then you can add a config file that looks like this -

-- You must import SimpleServer
import SimpleServer
-- IORefs can be used to persist data in volatile memory
import Data.IORef

-- The entry point into simpleServer
main = do
  -- Create a new IORef to keep track of the number of requests made so far
  timesRef <- newIORef 0
  -- Call simpleServer with custom handlers
  simpleServer $ do

    -- Our one and only handler, uses a special DSL syntax (executed with `runHandlerM`)
    handler $ runHandlerM $ do

      -- Fetch the current count
      times <- liftIO $ readIORef timesRef

      -- Print current count
      liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Request number " ++ show times

      -- Increment current count and save it back
      liftIO $ writeIORef timesRef (times + 1)

    -- Continue processing the request with simpleServer
    -- You can omit this call to abort processing

SimpleServer uses wai-routes to implement handlers. See the documentation for wai-routes to see more examples of custom handlers.


1. Port

To serve files at the default port (8000), run the executable without any arguments -

$ simpleserver
Running on port 8000

To serve files at any other port, specify the port as a parameter -

$ simpleserver -p8888
Running on port 8888

2. Static folder

To serve static files from any folder other than the current folder, use the '-s' argument.

For example, to serve files from 'static' folder -

$ simpleserver -sstatic
Running on port 8000

3. Log level

To enable logging, use '-v' or '--verbose. To disable any log output altogether use '-q' or '--quiet'

$ simpleserver
Running on port 8000

$ simpleserver --verbose
Running on port 8000 - - [03/Feb/2016:11:10:49 +0530] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0"

$ simpleserver --verbose

4. Paths

To see the path simpleserver expects the config file to be in, use '--paths'


  • : Minor changes
  • : Only cabal metadata changes
  • 0.1.1 : Added static and logging. Use wai-routes
  • 0.1 : Intial release