skylighting v0.10.1 Release Notes

    • Regex: handle (?|) modifier. This is used in bash.xml now. It resets the numbers of capturing groups in alternatives.

    • Improve regex handling of { and } not in quantifiers:

      • {} is literal (not a quantifier).
      • loose unescaped { and } that are not part of a quantifier are literal matchers.
    • Update xml syntax definitions from upstream. For: abc, actionscript, ada, agda, alert, apache, asn1, asp, ats, awk, bash, boo, c, clojure, cmake, coffee, coldfusion, commonlisp, cs, css, curry, d, djangotemplate, dockerfile, dot, doxygen, dtd, eiffel, elixir, elm, erlang, fasm, fortran-fixed, fortran-free, fsharp, glsl, gnuassembler, go, graphql, groovy, hamlet, haskell, haxe, html, idris, ini, isocpp, j, java, javadoc, javascript, jsp, julia, kotlin, latex, lex, lilypond, literate-curry, literate-haskell, llvm, lua, m4, makefile, markdown, mathematica, matlab, maxima, mediawiki, metafont, mips, modula-2, modula-3, monobasic, mustache, nasm, nim, noweb, objectivec, objectivecpp, ocaml, octave, opencl, pascal, perl, php, pike, postscript, povray, powershell, prolog, protobuf, pure, purebasic, python, r, relaxng, relaxngcompact, rest, rhtml, roff, ruby, rust, scala, scheme, sci, sed, sgml, sml, sql-mysql, sql-postgresql, sql, stata, tcl, tcsh, texinfo, toml, verilog, vhdl, xml, xorg, xslt, xul, yacc, yaml, zsh. Also added spdx-comments.xml and comments.xml, which are needed for these. Closes #111 (latex bug in matrix).