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On Hackage: timezone-olson
This package provides a parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files whose format is specified in RFC 8536.
Functions are provided for
converting the parsed data into TimeZoneSeries
objects from the
package. On many platforms, binary Olson timezone
files suitable for use with this package are available in the
directory /usr/share/zoneinfo
and its subdirectories on your computer.
See also the timezone-olson-th package for a way to include timezone informaton from a binary Olson timezone file at compile time.
Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Yitzchak Gale. All rights reserved.
For licensing information, see the BSD3-style license in the file LICENSE that was originally distributed by the author together with this file.
This package is part of the time-ng project.
Testing utilities
This package also provides two Haskell files, each of which can be compiled into a command-line utility that might be helpful for testing purposes.
zhdump.hs: A clone of zdump(8), including most of its bugs, that is usually present on systems that have an Olson timezone database, except hzdump takes paths to timezone files instead of timezone identifiers on the command line.
catTZ: Read and parse a timezone file, then render it. With the -i flag, interprets the timezone data as a TimeZoneSeries object before rendering.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the timezone-olson README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.