urlpath alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Data" category.
Alternatively, view urlpath alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
An optimized general monad transformer for streaming applications, with a simple prelude of functions
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of urlpath or a related project?
Dirt-simple, embarrassing, horribly unimaginative URL combinator library for Haskell.
λ> cabal install urlpath
You can use the combinators purely, if you're into that:
λ> expandRelative $ "foo.php" <?> ("key1","bar") <&> ("key2","baz")
↪ "foo.asp?key1=bar&key2=baz"
Or you can use them with a configurable root, via the Reader monad:
λ> runReader
(runAbsoluteUrl $ url $ "foo.asp" <?> ("key1","bar") <&> ("key2","baz"))
↪ "http://example.com/foo.asp?key1=bar&key2=baz"
puts the UrlString
in a MonadReader that we can use for applying our⋅
host. We use different monads for different deployment schemes (currently we⋅
have 3 - RelativeUrlT
, GroundedUrlT
, and AbsoluteUrlT
), which we can⋅
integrate in different libraries, like Lucid:
λ> (runAbsoluteUrl $ renderTextT $ do
foo <- lift $ url $ "foo" <?> ("bar","baz")
script_ [src_ foo] "" )
) "example.com"
↪ "<script src=\"example.com/foo?bar=baz\"></script>"
and, in Scotty:
main :: IO ()
main = scottyT 3000
rootConf = flip runAbsoluteT "http://example.com"
run :: ( MonadIO m
, MonadReader T.Text m
, Url T.Text m ) =>
ScottyT LT.Text m ()
run = get "/" $ do
path <- lift $ url $ "foo" <?> ("bar","baz")
text $ LT.fromStrict path
λ> curl localhost:3000/
↪ "http://example.com/foo?bar=baz"
How to run tests
λ> cabal install hspec --enable-tests && cabal test --show-details=always
I would prefer it that any inquiries and questions go to the Gitter Chat room, while any suggestions, complaints, or requests go in the GitHub Issues / Waffle Dashboard. All ideas are welcome! (Except really gross ones. I've got limits.)
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the urlpath README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.