vty-ui v1.6 Release Notes

  • 🐛 Bug fixes:

    • Group: forward position to current child widget (fixes #24) (thanks github.com/zydeon)
    • List: report correct item position in NewItemEvents Adding an item to a list previously emitted a NewItemEvent with the new size of the list as first parameter even though the documentation says otherwise, so we now report the position of the new item instead of the list size (thanks, Hans-Peter Deifel [email protected])
    • Performance: event loop now reads and processes all available events between UI updates
    • Only show cursor in widgets that need it: hides the cursor in static widgets like borders or texts. Also, container widgets like padding or centering now show the cursor only if their clients would (thanks, Hans-Peter Deifel [email protected])

    📦 Package changes:

    • Allow building against QuickCheck 2.7 (fixes #21)