shake-ats alternatives and similar packages
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This is a collection of several Haskell packages for use with the ATS language.
The following are goals of the libraries and tools contained herein:
Make handling ATS code in Haskell easy
Make building ATS easy
Make dependency resolution for ATS packages easy
Make building Haskell with ATS dependencies easy
Make building ATS with Haskell dependencies easy
As of writing, building ATS code in Haskell is quite smooth, package management is unfortunately maladroit, and handling ATS code in Haskell is mostly manageable.
- [ats-pkg](ats-pkg/ package management
- [ats-format](ats-format/ automated formatter
- [hs2ats](hs2ats/ convert Haskell types to ATS types
- [language-ats](language-ats/ Haskell parser & pretty-printer for ATS
More to come!
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
Alex 1 641 567 12 62
Bash 1 8 6 0 2
Cabal 8 704 650 0 54
Cabal Project 1 34 26 1 7
Dash 1 54 38 0 16
Dhall 4 574 499 3 72
Happy 1 1039 886 34 119
Haskell 45 5170 4269 185 716
Justfile 1 62 49 0 13
Markdown 28 982 694 0 288
Nix 2 24 23 0 1
TeX 1 66 46 0 20
TOML 1 3 3 0 0
YAML 4 198 181 0 17
Total 99 9559 7937 235 1387