Deadpan-DDP alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Unclassified" category.
Alternatively, view Deadpan-DDP alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing and applications for memoization -
DISCONTINUED. Template Haskell code to generate instances of classes in dependent-sum package -
Haskell bindings to libargon2 - the reference implementation of the Argon2 password-hashing function -
A Haskell implementation of the Carbon protocol (part of the Graphite monitoring tools)
Nutrient - The #1 PDF SDK Library

* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Deadpan-DDP or a related project?
A Haskell DDP Client. (Other Clients)
Deadpan can be used for writing clients for Meteor sites, among other purposes.
Debugging Application deadpan
- EJSON data types and conversion functions
- Connect to server
- Respond to PING
- Print all incomming EJSON server messages
- Send EJson formatted lines of input to server as messages (with readline support)
- Monadic client DSL
- Set of callbacks available
- Update callbacks at runtime
- Shared data-store
- Blocking RPC
- Blocking subscriptions
- Respond to data-updates from the server
This is intended to be used in two forms. A library, and a debugging tool executable.
Using the library
In order to use Deadpan as a library you will need to write a Deadpan monad.
This could look something like the following:
myDeadpanApp = do
subscribe "kittens"
response <- rpcWait "kittens.add" (ejobject [("cute", ejbool True)])
case response of Right good -> liftIO $ print response
Left bad -> liftIO $ print "oops!"
return 123
You can then run your instance as follows:
case getURI ""
of Right params -> runPingClient params (logEverything >> myDeadpanApp)
Left error -> print error
Further examples of applications can be found in the test/client/ directory.
There are also lower-level tools provided in Web.DDP.Deadpan.*
Collection Support
Since Meteor sites are usually heavily focused on collections,
support for automatically aggregating subscription data is
included in the form of the collect
This adds data to the subscription-data
key of the collections
field of the
app-state. This is updated dynamically, but you can use a blocking subscription
call if you want to ensure that it is in a sane state before you query it.
For example:
myDeadpanApp = do
-- Can check for an error here if desired
_ <- subscribeWait "songs"
as <- getAppState
let mySong = as ^. subscriptions
. _EJObjectKey "songs" . _Just
. _EJObjectKey "prelude"
case mySong of Just s -> print s
Nothing -> print "Could not find my song"
Run with:
runPingClient params (collect >> myDeadpanApp)
As part of the implementation of the DDP protocol, an EJson data-format library has been written for Haskell.
This can be found under Data.EJson
This primarily allows conversion between Data.Aeson.Value
and Data.EJson.EJsonValue
Lenses, Prisms, and Aeson instances are provided for this library.
Using the deadpan
debugging tool
Run deadpan
against an existing Meteor installation as follows:
deadpan -v Vpre1
This will dump all server messages to STDOUT.
Lines of input from STDIN are parsed as EJSON and sent as messages to the server.
Input is editable via Haskeline.
For further instructions on how to use the tool, you can run:
deadpan --help
The latest source is available on Github. This can be installed via the cabal tool.
cabal install
This package is available on Hackage, therefore, you should be able to install it by running the following commands:
cabal update
cabal install deadpan-ddp
A test-suite can be run by calling cabal test
This triggers the Doctests, including QuickCheck properties.
In addition to these automated tests, there are Meteor test-applications, and Deadpan clients in the test/ directory.
You can look for incomplete items in the source by running make todo
- Add full minimongo capabilities for data modification
- Use more qualified imports, including for internal imports
- Narrow package dependency versions
- Random number generation as-per the spec
- Adopt a more layered aproach (see doc/dot.png)
- Use proper opt-parser for main module
- Try out an auth example
- Allow for intermittent connection to the server
- Execption Handling
- Rename DeadpanApp to App?
- Create script to add haddock items to the readme to avoid out of sync issues...
- Fix the VTY example to not move the item selection on update
Pre-compiled binaries can be found for the deadpan
debugging tool below: