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EKG: Remote monitoring of running processes over HTTP
This library lets you remotely monitor a running process over HTTP. It provides a simple way to integrate a monitoring server into any application.
Getting started
Adding monitoring to your application is simple. Just launch the monitoring server as soon as your application starts
import System.Remote.Monitoring.Wai
main = do
forkServer "localhost" 8000
and then visit http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser.
To make full use out of this module you must first enable GC statistics collection in the run-time system. To enable GC statistics collection, either run your program with
or compile it with
The runtime overhead of -T
is very small so it's safe to always
leave it enabled.
The monitoring server also lets you to retrieve the stats as JSON. Simply send the server an HTTP GET request with the Accept header set to "application/json":
curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/
You can use the JSON API to e.g. write applications that monitor other applications.
Get involved!
Please report bugs via the GitHub issue tracker.
Master git repository:
git clone https://github.com/tvh/ekg-wai.git
This library is maintained by Timo von Holtz, [email protected]. It was originally written using Snap by Johan Tibell, [email protected].