leapseconds-announced alternatives and similar packages
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DISCONTINUED. Example code for how we swap compiled code within a running Haskell process. -
Dynamic linking and runtime evaluation of Haskell, and C, including dependency chasing and package resolution. -
A library to work with Puppet manifests, test them and eventually replace everything ruby. -
A simple Haskell progress bar for the console. Heavily borrows from TJ Holowaychuk's Node.JS project
Nutrient - The #1 PDF SDK Library

Do you think we are missing an alternative of leapseconds-announced or a related project?
This libraray provides a static Data.Time.Clock.TAI.LeapSecondTable
"containing" the leap seconds announced at library release time.
A new version of the library is released every time the International
Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) announces a new
leap second at http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eoppc/bul/bulc/bulletinc.dat.
This module is intended to provide a quick-and-dirty leap second solution for one-off analyses concerned only with the past and present (i.e. up until the next as of yet unannounced leap second), or for applications which can afford to be recompiled against an updated library as often as every six months.
Import Data.Time.Clock.AnnouncedLeapSeconds
to bring the leap
second table lst
into scope. Here is a usage example:
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.TAI
import Data.Time.Clock.AnnouncedLeapSeconds
-- | Convert from UTC to TAI.
utcToTAITime' = utcToTAITime lst
-- | Convert from TAI to UTC.
taiToUTCTime' = taiToUTCTime lst
-- | Add a length of time to a UTC time, respecting leap seconds
-- (as opposed to Data.Time.Clock.addUTCTime).
addUTCTime' :: DiffTime -> UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
addUTCTime' dt utc = taiToUTCTime' . addAbsoluteTime dt =<< utcToTAITime' utc