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Binary packages

Showing projects tagged as Data and Binary

  • binary

    9.5 4.1 Haskell
    Efficient, pure binary serialisation using ByteStrings in Haskell.
  • binary-parsers

    8.0 0.0 Haskell
    Extends binary with parsec/attoparsec style parsing combinators
  • binary-bits

    7.1 0.0 Haskell
    Binary serialization at the bit level on top of the binary package
  • binary-orphans

    6.3 3.1 Haskell
    Orphan instances for binary
  • binary-tagged

    5.7 3.1 Haskell
    Tagged binary serialisation
  • binary-strict

    5.2 0.0 Haskell
    A strict version of the Get monad from the binary package.
  • binary-typed

    4.3 0.0 Haskell
    Thin type-safe layer for the Haskell Binary library.
  • binary-protocol-zmq

    4.1 0.0 Haskell
    Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol over ZeroMQ
  • binary-protocol

    3.3 0.0 Haskell
    Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol.
  • binary-derive

    2.1 0.0 Haskell
    derive instances of binary
  • binary-generic

    1.9 0.0 Haskell
    Haskell package making it easy to serialize any kind of data with the binary package. Just derive 'Data' and you're done!
  • binary-io

    1.9 0.0 Haskell
    Read and write values of types that implement Binary from and to Handles
  • binary-ext

    1.4 0.0 Haskell
    DISCONTINUED. Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings
  • binary-streams

    1.0 0.0 Haskell
    Allow binary serialization/deserialization using io-streams.
  • binary-communicator

    - -
    DISCONTINUED. Flexible way to ease transmission of binary data.
  • binary-varint

    VarInt encoding/decoding via Data.Binary