simple-conduit alternatives and similar packages
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Twitter API package for Haskell, including enumerator interfaces and Streaming API supports.
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Do you think we are missing an alternative of simple-conduit or a related project?
A brain-dead effectful streaming library, just to see how much we can get away with, using as little as possible. I.e., the one-legged centipede version of conduit. :-)
Features conspicuously lacking:
- Conduits are not Monads, which omits a lot of important use cases
- No leftovers
Features surprisingly present:
- Much simpler types; Void is no longer needed, for example
- No special operators are needed; conduit pipelines can be expressed
using only function application ($)
- Performance beats conduit in simple cases (139ms vs. 259ms)
- Early termination by consumers
- Notification of uptream termination
- monad-control can be used for resource control
- Prompt finalization
- Sources are Monoids (though making it an instance takes more work)
What's interesting is that this library is simply a convenience for chaining monadic folds, and nothing more. I find it interesting how much of conduit can be expressed using only that abstraction.
See also my blog article about this library.