snaplet-sass alternatives and similar packages
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snaplet-sass integrates Snap with Sass.
- Compile and serve sass files on request, no need to restart the snap server.
- Production mode to pre-compile all sass files.
- Outputs sourcemaps to make debugging generated CSS easier.
- Writes CSS to disk to allow reading the generated source.
Example Usage
import Snap.Snaplet.Sass
routes = [..., ("/sass", with sass sassServe)]
app :: SnapletInit App App
app = makeSnaplet "app" "A snaplet example application." Nothing $ do
s <- nestSnaplet "sass" sass initSass
return $ App { _sass = s }
import Snap.Snaplet.Sass
data App = App { _sass :: Snaplet Sass }
makeLens ''App
Now run your application and try requesting a Sass file.
A snaplet config file will be generated at snaplets/sass/devel.cfg the first time your application initializes the snaplet. The defaults are the recommended ones for development.
Place your .sass or .scss files in snaplets/sass/src. Note that a default devel.cfg will not be created if you have already created the sass directory. If this happens to you, move snaplets/sass, start your application, and then move the files back into snaplets/sass.
Any requests to the specified directory (in this case /sass/) will compile the appropriate Sass file and serve it.
This borrows hugely from snaplet-fay.