text-show v0.8 Release Notes

    • Exported formatRealFloatB and formatRealFloatAltB from Text.Show.Text.Data.Floating. Reexported FPFormat (from text) in the same module, and added a Text Show instance for it.
    • The Show instance for Ratio a now only requires a Show a constraint if using base- or later (if using base-, it requires a (Show a, Integral a) constraint)
    • ➕ Added showbSingPrec to Text.Show.Text.GHC.TypeLits (if using base-4.6)
    • Modules which were previously exported only if using a recent-enough version of GHC/base (e.g., Text.Show.Text.GHC.Generics) are now always exposed. If the functionality that the module provides is not available on a given version of GHC/base, the module will not expose anything.
    • ⬆️ Bump lower version bounds of text to 0.11.1 due to reexporting FPFormat
    • ➕ Added showbUnicodeException, showbI16Prec, showbDecodingPrec, and showbSizePrec functions (and corresponding Show instances) to Text.Show.Text.Data.Text
    • Made GShow in Text.Show.Text.Generics poly-kinded
    • The Template Haskell deriver (and GShow) now handles "infix" data constructors that are applied as prefix correctly (e.g., data Amp a = (:&) a a)
    • The Template Haskell deriver now handles showable unlifted types (Char#, Double#, Float#, Int#, and Word#) correctly on GHC 7.11 and later
    • The Template Haskell derive now does not parenthesize record types regardless of precedence on GHC 7.11 and later
    • 🛠 Fixed build on GHC 7.2
    • 🔄 Changed test-suite to use hspec, which allows for it to be built on GHC 7.0 and 7.2