
Monthly Downloads: 21
Programming language: Haskell
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Tags: Web     Ttn    

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Receive and decode data from TTN MQTT API.

See https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/applications/mqtt/api.html

Command line utility

ttnc provides a simple command line utility to dump and pretty print incoming data. It can also decode two types of payload

  • Cayene low power protocol format (via cayene-lpp)
  • Simple temperature humidity (two big endian packed floats)

To be able to authenticate with TTN you need to create simple config file along these lines:

id = your_app_id
host = eu.thethings.network
port = 1883
key = ttn-account-v2.THIS_KEY_NEEDS_CHANGING

This can be placed in ~/.ttn/config or passed via TTNCFG environment variable. Sample config is avaiable in config.sample.

Example output

-- Received on topic "basetest/devices/tester/up"
    ( Uplink
        { uplinkConfig = Nothing
        , uplinkGatewayId = Nothing
        , uplinkDevId = Just "tester"
        , uplinkPayload = Nothing
        , uplinkCounter = Just 1365.0
        , uplinkIsRetry = Nothing
        , uplinkMetadata = Just
            ( Metadata
                { metadataTime = Just ( TTNZonedTime { unwrap = 2018-07-31 20:43:29.331580984 +0000 } )
                , metadataFrequency = Just 868.1
                , metadataModulation = Just "LORA"
                , metadataDataRate = Just "SF12BW125"
                , metadataBitRate = Nothing
                , metadataAirtime = Just 1.482752e9
                , metadataCodingRate = Just "4/5"
                , metadataGateways =
                    [ GatewaysElt
                        { gatewaysEltGtwId = Just "eui-b827ebffffc6e42c"
                        , gatewaysEltGtwTrusted = Nothing
                        , gatewaysEltTimestamp = Just 2974169876
                        , gatewaysEltFineTimestamp = Nothing
                        , gatewaysEltFineTimestampEncrypted = Nothing
                        , gatewaysEltTime = Just ( TTNZonedTime { unwrap = 2018-07-31 20:43:29.305615 +0000 } )
                        , gatewaysEltAntenna = Nothing
                        , gatewaysEltChannel = 0.0
                        , gatewaysEltRSSI = -99.0
                        , gatewaysEltSNR = 9.8
                        , gatewaysEltRFChain = 1
                        , gatewaysEltLatitude = Just 49.560596
                        , gatewaysEltLongitude = Just 16.072577
                        , gatewaysEltAltitude = Just 601
                        , gatewaysEltAccuracy = Nothing
                        , gatewaysEltSource = Nothing
        , uplinkPayloadRaw = Just "UgLJQVAyEkI="
        , uplinkMessage = Nothing
        , uplinkAppId = Just "basetest"
        , uplinkConfirmed = Just True
        , uplinkHardwareSerial = Just "0004A30B001E0D4D"
        , uplinkPort = Just 1.0
[ TempHumidity 25.126133 36.549133
, Cayene
        ( 82
        , AnalogIn ( -140.15 )
-- Received on topic "basetest/devices/tester/events/down/sent"
    ( Uplink
        { uplinkConfig = Just
            ( Config
                { configFrequency = Just 8.69525e8
                , configDataRate = Just "SF9BW125"
                , configCounter = Just 1367.0
                , configAirtime = Just 1.44384e8
                , configPower = Just 27.0
                , configModulation = Just "LORA"
        , uplinkGatewayId = Just "eui-b827ebffffc6e42c"
        , uplinkDevId = Nothing
        , uplinkPayload = Just "YPIsASYgVwVGo1QT"
        , uplinkCounter = Nothing
        , uplinkIsRetry = Nothing
        , uplinkMetadata = Nothing
        , uplinkPayloadRaw = Nothing
        , uplinkMessage = Just
            ( Message
                { messageDevId = "tester"
                , messageAppId = "basetest"
                , messagePort = 0.0
        , uplinkAppId = Nothing
        , uplinkConfirmed = Nothing
        , uplinkHardwareSerial = Nothing
        , uplinkPort = Nothing


ttnClient function takes channel which it uses to feed data to your application. Barebones application example:

import Data.TTN
import Data.TTN.Client

main :: IO ()
main = do
  c <- atomically $ newTChan
  forkIO $ ttnClient c
  reader c

reader chan = do
  forever $ do
    msg <- atomically $ readTChan chan
    case msg of
      Left err -> putStrLn err
      Right evt -> print evt

See also withTTN function which accepts action to perform on incoming event and also handles exceptions / reconnects.