vty v5.3.1 Release Notes

    • ⏪ Reverted cabal file to depend on Cabal >= 1.18 instead of 1.20 due to possibly breaking this on reasonable GHC versions


    • ⬆️ Upgraded QuickCheck dependency to 2.7
    • The standard IO Config (standardIOConfig) was overriding any provided application config. In addition, the inputFd and outputFd could not be changed if mkVty was used. Fixed.
    • Correct handling of display attributes at end of line. The output attributes are set to default at the end of content for the line and at the start of a new line. Previously the current attribute would extend to the next start of content. This was odd to reason about and was the cause of https://github.com/coreyoconnor/vty/issues/76 IIRC Yi requires the old behavior to display the selection region correctly.
    • shutdown of the input thread is now performed using killThread and synchronization on an MVar. For correct handling of the terminal read vmin and vtime the read must be a blocking read on an OS thread. This places a threadWaitRead, which will be interrupted by the killThread, prior to the uninterruptable read. An alternative would be to re-import the read foreign call as interruptable.