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A Haskell framework to define valid deep learning models and export them to other frameworks like TensorFlow JS or Keras. -
Genetic algorithm library for Haskell. Binary and continuous (real-coded) GAs. Binary GAs: binary and Gray encoding; point mutation; one-point, two-point, and uniform crossover. Continuous GAs: Gaussian mutation; BLX-α, UNDX, and SBX crossover. Selection operators: roulette, tournament, and stochastic universal sampling (SUS); with optional niching, ranking, and scaling. Replacement strategies: generational with elitism and steady state. Constrained optimization: random constrained initialization, death penalty, constrained selection without a penalty function. Multi-objective optimization: NSGA-II and constrained NSGA-II. -
HaVSA (Have-Saa) is a Haskell implementation of the Version Space Algebra Machine Learning technique described by Tessa Lau. -
A general data-flow framework featuring nondeterminism, laziness and neurological pseudo-terminology.
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Popular Comparisons
This package is available via
Hackage where its documentation resides. It
provides a solver for constraint satisfaction problems by implementing
monad. Currently it only implements arc consistency but other
kinds of constraints will be added.
Below is a Sudoku solver, project Euler problem 96.
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.CSP
mapAllPairsM_ :: Monad m => (a -> a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
mapAllPairsM_ f [] = return ()
mapAllPairsM_ f (_:[]) = return ()
mapAllPairsM_ f (a:l) = mapM_ (f a) l >> mapAllPairsM_ f l
solveSudoku :: (Enum a, Eq a, Num a) => [[a]] -> [[a]]
solveSudoku puzzle = oneCSPSolution $ do
dvs <- mapM (mapM (\a -> mkDV $ if a == 0 then [1 .. 9] else [a])) puzzle
mapM_ assertRowConstraints dvs
mapM_ assertRowConstraints $ transpose dvs
sequence_ [assertSquareConstraints dvs x y | x <- [0,3,6], y <- [0,3,6]]
return dvs
where assertRowConstraints = mapAllPairsM_ (constraint2 (/=))
assertSquareConstraints dvs i j =
mapAllPairsM_ (constraint2 (/=)) [(dvs !! x) !! y | x <- [i..i+2], y <- [j..j+2]]
sudoku3 = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,7],
solveSudoku sudoku3
- Allow a randomized execution order for CSPs
- CSPs don't need to use IO internally. ST is enough.
- Constraint synthesis. Already facilitated by the fact that constraints are internally nondeterministic
- Other constraint types for CSPs, right now only AC is implemented
- n-ary heterogeneous constraints