
Monthly Downloads: 96
Programming language: Lua
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Tags: Language    
Latest version: v0.11.0

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language-lua - Lua 5.3 lexer, parser and pretty-printer

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This package is just like any other language x packages. It provides lexer, parser and pretty-printer for Lua programming language.

Haddock documentation


This module provides 3 parsers.

  • chunk: Lua file parser.
  • exp: Lua expression parser.
  • stat: Lua statement parser.

Lexing is needed before running a parser. parseText function runs lexer before parsing. So if you want to parse a Lua expression, you can call parseText exp string, where string is the Lua expression to parse.

parseFile is a helper to parse Lua files. Example: parseFile "/path/to/lua/file". This is same as parseText chunk `fmap` readFile path.

Note that parseText may result with failure, so it's return type is Either ParserError a.


Lexer is not exported by top-level Language.Lua module. You need to import Language.Lua.Lexer. After that, llex string scans the string and returns token list. Tokens are defined in Language.Lua.Token.


Pretty-printer is still under development, and subject to lots of changes. It works, but lots of functionality will be added.

For now, you can use pprint syntax_tree to pretty-print a Lua syntax tree.