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Changelog History
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  • v2.2.0.0 Changes

    • 🔀 NeovimException are now thrown from (synchronous) remote functions and are no longer suppressed with an error call that also had a terrible error message. A function catchNeovimException (specialized catch) has been added that catches these errors.
    • The return type of asynchronous functions is now alwas STM (Either NeovimException result) and errors have to be handled by the caller explicitly.
  • v2.1.0.4

    July 07, 2020
  • v2.1.0.2 Changes

    • Exported functions and commands now can have the same name.
  • v2.1.0.1

    June 04, 2019
  • v2.1.0.0 Changes

    April 18, 2019
    • 🔀 Autocommands now take an additional parameter of type Synchronous, allowing them to execute synchronous (previously hardcoded as Async). In order to adapt to this, change $(autocmd 'handler) opts to $(autocmd 'handler) Async opts.
  • v2.0.0.0 Changes

    March 10, 2019
    • 🔧 Your configuration is now just a Haskell project. The dependency to Dyre has been removed and you are now forced to write a line of vimL and add a normal nvim-plugin to your setup. The template still does set everything up for you. The distinction between a plugin and a personal nvim-hs configuration is now gone and apart from settings things up, nothing has changed in this regard. The nvim-plugin contains the necessary documentation on what to do and should be available with :help nvim-hs when installed correctly.

    • Since basically all generated functions were throwing exceptions anyway, the primed functions have become the default and if you want to explicitly handle error cases, you have to surround your code with catch or something more appropriate from UnliftIO.Exception. You have to remove ' from your API calls or you have to adjust your error handling.

    • There are now three flavors of APIs and you have to import one additionally to importing the Neovim module:

      • Neovim.API.Text: This uses strict Text for strings and Vector as lists. This is the recommended API to use.
      • Neovim.API.String: This is the same as before. Strings are String and lists are []. This is for the lazy and backwards-ish compatiblity.
      • Neovim.API.ByteString: This can be useful for really performance critical stuff or if you`re writing a plugin for binary files.
  • v1.0.1.0 Changes

    • The Neovim.Debug module is now more pleasant to use.
  • v1.0.0.3

    October 01, 2018
  • v1.0.0.2 Changes

    June 24, 2018
    • With the api of neovim 0.3.0, a function was exposed that had a reserved haskell keyword as a parameter name. The code generation did not sanitize this. This bugfix releases resolves this.
  • v1.0.0.1

    March 27, 2018