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Showing projects tagged as FRP
9.9 6.2 HaskellInteractive programs without callbacks or side-effects. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) uses composable events and time-varying values to describe interactive systems as pure functions. Just like other pure functional code, functional reactive code is easier to get right on the first try, maintain, and reuse. -
9.8 8.4 HaskellFunctional Reactive Programming domain-specific language for efficient hybrid systems -
9.8 2.5 HaskellWeb applications without callbacks or side-effects. Reflex-DOM brings the power of functional reactive programming (FRP) to the web. Build HTML and other Document Object Model (DOM) data with a pure functional interface. -
9.6 9.2 HaskellClassic FRP, Arrowized FRP, Reactive Programming, and Stream Programming, all via Monadic Stream Functions -
9.6 8.0 HaskellA free and open source breakout clone in Haskell using SDL and FRP, with Wiimote and Kinect support. -
8.6 6.9 HaskellUniversal Live Coding & Functional Reactive Programming Framework -
8.4 4.6 HaskellRun GHCi from within a Reflex FRP application and interact with it using a functional reactive interface. -
8.3 2.4 HaskellInteract with a JSON-serialized API defined by a GADT in your reflex-dom application -
8.1 1.9 HaskellWatch files and directories for changes using a functional-reactive interface! -
8.0 0.0 HaskellFRP (functional reactive programming) framework inspired by RX and Iteratee
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.