
Monthly Downloads: 57
Programming language: Haskell
License: MIT License
Tags: Data    
Latest version: v0.2.1.0

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Data types representing the digits zero through nine.


Each of the following modules defines a different type named D10, all of which are different representations of the same concept:

  • Data.D10.Char - Defines a D10 type as a newtype for Char, where the values are restricted to characters between '0' and '9'.
  • Data.D10.Num - Defines a D10 type as a newtype for any type with an instance of the Num class, where the values are restricted to numbers between fromInteger 0 and fromInteger 9.
  • Data.D10.Safe - Defines a D10 type as D0 | D1 | D2 | ... | D9.

Other modules:

  • Data.D10.Predicate - Functions to test whether values of various types represent digits in the range 0 to 9.


Each module that defines a D10 type also defines quasi-quoters for it. With the QuasiQuotes GHC extension enabled, a single digit like 7 can be written as [d10|7|], and a list of digits like [4,5,6] can be written as [d10|456|]. For Data.D10.Char and Data.D10.Num, the quasi-quoters are an important feature, because the D10 types defined in these modules have unsafe constructors, and the quasi-quoters provide compile-time assurance that we never construct a D10 that represents a value outside the range 0 to 9. For Data.D10.Safe, the quasi-quoter is offered merely as a possible convenience, allowing you to write [d10|456789|] in place of the somewhat longer expression [D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9].