
Monthly Downloads: 10
Programming language: Haskell
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Tags: Network    

handwriting alternatives and similar packages

Based on the "Networking" category.
Alternatively, view handwriting alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.

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API Client for the handwriting.io API.

handwriting.io provides an API that generates automatically generates handwritten text.

To use this API, you'll need to get a KEY and SECRET from here.





import Network.Handwriting

creds :: Credentials
creds = Credentials "key" "secret"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  handwritings <- getHandwritings creds


import Network.Handwriting

creds :: Credentials
creds = Credentials "key" "secret"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  handwriting <- getHandwriting creds "31SF81NG00ES"


import Network.Handwriting

creds :: Credentials
creds = Credentials "key" "secret"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  imageByteString <- renderImage creds defaultImageParams "Hello World!"


import Network.Handwriting

creds :: Credentials
creds = Credentials "key" "secret"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let params = defaultImageParams { format = PDF }
  imageByteString <- renderImage creds params "Hello World!"

Optional Parameters

The optional image paramters data type is show below:

data ImageParams = ImageParams {
  format              :: Format       -- PNG | PDF
, width               :: Maybe Double -- Units are Pixels for PNG and Inches or Points for PDF
, height              :: Maybe Double 
, hId                 :: Maybe String -- ID of the handwriting style selected
, size                :: Maybe Double -- Handwriting size. Pixels for PNG, Inches or Points for PDF
, color               :: Maybe Color  -- RGB -> (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
, lineSpacing         :: Maybe Double -- Spacing between lines of handwriting. Between 0 and 5
, lineSpacingVariance :: Maybe Double -- Randomizes line spacing, 0 - 1
, wordSpacingVariance :: Maybe Double -- Randomizes word spacing, 0 - 1
, randomSeed          :: RandomSeed   -- Randomize : (image for same text is DIFFERENT on every call)
                                      -- Repeatable : (image for same text is the SAME on every call)
, pdfUnits            :: PDFUnits     -- Inches | Points
} deriving (Show)

Optional Parameter Examples

600px x 800px png with red text:

import Network.Handwriting

creds :: Credentials
creds = Credentials "key" "secret"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let params = defaultImageParams { width  = Just 800
                                  , height = Just 600
                                  , color  = Just (255,0,0)
  imageByteString <- renderImage creds params "Hello World!"

8.5 inches x 11 inches PDF with blue text:

import Network.Handwriting

creds :: Credentials
creds = Credentials "key" "secret"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let params = defaultImageParams { width    = Just 8.5
                                  , height   = Just 11
                                  , color    = Just (0,0,255)
                                  , pdfUnits = Inches
  imageByteString <- renderImage creds params "Hello World!"