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Showing projects tagged as Algorithms
9.5 5.5 HaskellNumber theory: primes, arithmetic functions, modular computations, special sequences -
8.6 0.0 HaskellGenetic algorithm library for Haskell. Binary and continuous (real-coded) GAs. Binary GAs: binary and Gray encoding; point mutation; one-point, two-point, and uniform crossover. Continuous GAs: Gaussian mutation; BLX-α, UNDX, and SBX crossover. Selection operators: roulette, tournament, and stochastic universal sampling (SUS); with optional niching, ranking, and scaling. Replacement strategies: generational with elitism and steady state. Constrained optimization: random constrained initialization, death penalty, constrained selection without a penalty function. Multi-objective optimization: NSGA-II and constrained NSGA-II. -
7.8 0.0 L2 C++Haskel binding for Eigen library. Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. -
7.4 0.0 HaskellImproves the known complexity of online lowest common ancestor search to O(log h) persistently, and without preprocessing -
6.5 0.0 ATSHome of the fast-arithmetic library for number theory in ATS and Haskell.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.